Popular Rspec Programming Tips
Rspec: what context and describe are for
Steven Shingler
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ruby, rspec
Run feature specs after all other specs
Christian Nelson
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ruby, rspec, capybara
Focused BDD with Guard
Jason Rogers
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rspec, guard
Reliable mocks with Bogus
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rails, cucumber, software design, spec
How to set up RSpec
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ruby, rails, gem, testing
Easy Password Timeout Test
Sean Todd
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ruby, rails, test, user
Faster TDD with RSpec, Vim, and quickfix
Jim Stewart
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tdd, rspec, vim, quickfix
Converting a locator into xpath in Capybara
David Collom
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ruby, ror, uni-testing, daviec85
a bit faster rspec tests
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rspec, observers
Write better specs...
Bryan Rehbein
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Set an action for helper specs
Colin Mattson
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rails, helper, spec, rspec
Rspec implicit docstring
Rex Chung
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Simplify specs with matchers and methods
Oto Brglez
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ruby, rspec
Stubing class constants with RSpec
Matjaz Muhic
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ruby, rails, rspec
DRY your tests
João Veiga
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ruby, rspec
How to test Rake tasks in Ruby
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ruby, rspec, rake, testing rake task
The How's, Why's and Why Not's of Test-driven Development
Marko Klemetti
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tdd, rspec, unit testing
Integration tests for keyboard accelerators
Dave Gerton
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rails, javascript, rspec
Right way to stub views in helper specs
sergey kuchmistov
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ruby, rails, rspec
clear before you (when running a test from shell)
Xavier Via
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shell, bdd, vows, readability
Testing items selectors
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, rspec
Need to write specs for a Rails generator? Use the ammeter gem
Alex Rothenberg
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rails, generators, rspec
Cleanup settings cache on tests
Marvin Marcelo
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rails, rspec, rails-settings-cached
Extending modules on stubbed classes
Alex Gibson
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ruby, rails, rspec