Popular Resources Programming Tips
Advices and resources for PHP novices
Erika Heidi
5 responses
php, resources, getting started, novices
How to package non-Java code/files/resources in a JAR with MAVEN
0 responses
maven, resources, java, javascript
Getting Laravel 4 to Work on GoDaddy
3 responses
htaccess, resources, laravel 4, godaddy
Top Javascript Docs/Tutorials/Books
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
4 responses
javascript, resources, books, tutorials
Android Asset Studio
Scott Spence
0 responses
android, generators, tools, icon
Getting your head around backbone.js
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
backbone, tutorial, backbone.js, resources
Slides: Where to go from here?
Tobias Pfeiffer
0 responses
ruby, learning, beginner, novice
Determine all the files that have changed in Git
Sebastiano Poggi
0 responses
patch, diff, log, android
Useful resources for iOS developers
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
ios, frameworks, objc, iphone
Really nice HTML/CSS guide - useful for newbies and pro's
Kimb Jones
0 responses
css, html, links, resources
Go: List of resources
Adnaan Badr
0 responses
learn, resources, golang, tutorials
use frameworks
Marc Urbaitel
0 responses
frameworks, resources, scalability
WebKit Inspector Shortcuts
danny c
0 responses
html, webkit, resources, inspector
Great Design/Development Resources
Christian Knoll
0 responses
web development, web design, resources
Node Testing Suites
Joe Palala
0 responses
links, testing, resources, unit-testing
Displaying all 15 tips
Recent Activity
Node Testing Suites
Joe Palala
links, testing, resources, unit-testing
Getting Laravel 4 to Work on GoDaddy
htaccess, resources, laravel 4, godaddy
Advices and resources for PHP novices
Erika Heidi
php, resources, getting started, novices
Great Design/Development Resources
Christian Knoll
web development, web design, resources
use frameworks
Marc Urbaitel
frameworks, resources, scalability
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