Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Remove .pyc Files Automatically
Doug Thomas
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python, git, bash
Bash + Python: Quick WebServer in your current directory
Mateusz Gachowski
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python, webserver, bash
Develo standardize development workflows!
Marian Ignev
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ruby, python, rails, console
New code editor Brackets
Mariz Melo
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javascript, ruby, php, python
number of 20 digit numbers where sum of no three consecutive digits is greater than 9?
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python, dynamic programming
python strftime UnicodeEncodeError
Yuwei Ba
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python, unicode, strftime
Restart Django development server using AppleScript
Clayton McIlrath
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python, django, applescript, python server
Fun and Obscure Django 500 errors
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python, django, serialization, dictionary
Hubot Script to Verify and Retrieve Python Libarary Links
Bryce Verdier
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coffeescript, python, hubot
Managing Django Settings
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python, django, settings, configuration
Python - server provisioning sans headache
Ross Crawford-d'Heureuse
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python, provisioning, saltstack
Share Jinja2 Templates with the Browser using Nunjucks
Alex Boyd
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python, templating, javascript, jinja2
Generic csv exporter for Django
Yohann Gabory
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python, django, csv, generic
Run a server locally with only one command
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python, shell, server, html5
VIM IDE for Python programmers
Thiago Avelino
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python, vim, avelino0
Why use ternary operator in Python
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Pretty JSON in the terminal
Rodrigo Kochenburger
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python, cli, json
Just a Python Faker
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python, test, package, generator
Python on Life
Rashaad Essop
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python, shell, nerd jokes
For better coding...
Gökmen Görgen
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python, django, pep8
Put this line in your pip.conf
Yuwei Ba
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python, pip
Simple way to parse json in the terminal
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python, terminal, json
Quick Sort in Python
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python, algorithm, quicksort, sort