Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Find the last consecutive date in a list
Russell Hay
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python, dates, quick function
VTK renders into IPython Notebook
Adamos Kyriakou
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python, visualization, ipython, vtk
How to Set Up a MySQL Database for a Mezzanine Project
Gungor Budak
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python, django, mysql, mezzanine
Django function to create form for a model object
Yohann Gabory
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python, django, models
Combining multiple Mercurial Repositories into One
ADIO Kingsley O
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python, version control, mercurial, java
A TwitterSearcher class for aggressive Twitter REST search using birdy
Scott Bradley
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python, search, twitter api, birdy
Get to know ZMQ
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, php, python, unix
Python Centos 64bit Sqlite3 fixed!
Ryan Day
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python, sqlite3, centos
Python for humans
Mariz Melo
1 response
Flask JWT optional authentication
0 responses
python, flask, jwt
gitfiti – abusing github commit history for the lulz
Yuri Artemev
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python, shell, git, github
Reducing boilerplate in string generation functions in python
Rafael Calsaverini
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python, string, boilerplate, string formatting
Easily profiling python code line by line
José Ricardo
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python, profiling, line_profiler
asciinema- a terminal recorder
Wesley Hill
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python, terminal, ascii, bash
Separating API groups
Nicholas Jordon
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php, python, shell, security
Complete Python Dev Environment
Anthony Nyström
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python, puppet, vagrant, vm
Disable Sentry when debugging
Igor Rumiha
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python, sentry, debugging, intellij idea
Migrating to django-mptt and Python's MRO
Alex Hart
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python, django, django-mptt, mro
Python JOSE implementation
Demian Brecht
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python, authentication, authorization, tokens
Django Friendly Logins
Hartley Brody
2 responses
python, django
juju - end to end deployment of apache+ssl, gunicorn, django, and postgresql
Adam Stokes
0 responses
python, django, devops, juju
50 Web Developer Documentation Manuals You Need To Know About
Jason Davis
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ruby, php, python, mysql