Newest Php Programming Tips
Antony D'Andrea
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Installing PHPUnit (3.6) on Fedora
Daniel Tralamazza
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php, fedora, yum, zerobs
The PHP Benchmark - Live PHP Benchmark
Nathan Malcolm
2 responses
php, performance, benchmark
Run CodeIgniter controllers from the commandline
Pedro Luz
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php, codeigniter, commandline, cronjob
CodeIgniter Cart
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php, codeigniter, cart, ecommerce
What actually happens with CodeIgniter session/cookies
0 responses
php, codeigniter, session, cookies
Scope variables for better GC in JS and PHP
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
php, variables, javascript
Define variable typing in NetBeans IDE
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
php, ide, netbeans
Cloudflare 32KB Header limit, bad for cookies
1 response
php, cloudflare, codeigniter, session
Check a 1D array for emptiness
kanuj bhatnagar
7 responses
php, array
Write PHP scripts without ?>
Sam-Mauris Yong
2 responses
php, html
PHP hashbang
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
php, shell, osx, linux
Built in web servers in Rails, Python, and PHP
Mariz Melo
0 responses
php, python, rails
Ole Michaelis
0 responses
php, conferences, stuff, myfirstprotip
Recursive function for flattening arrays
Nikko Bautista
0 responses
php, snippet, recursive
Using Crontab with Plesk to call PHP files
Pedro Luz
0 responses
php, plesk, cronjob
Omit the final closing ?> to avoid unwanted white-space leakage
Mark Vaughn
0 responses
php, xml, best practice, convention
Apache wildcard vhosts
Alexandru G.
0 responses
apache, vhost, php, windows
How to Kill, I mean erm, Save Kittens
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
php, kittens, humor, common sense
PHP Symlink and __FILE__ constant
1 response
php, tips
Using Composer with FuelPHP 1.x
Tom Schlick
0 responses
php, composer, fuelphp
SlimController > Slim PHP Framework controller extension
Frank Lämmer
0 responses
php, slimframework