Popular Passenger Programming Tips
Pass the database pwd to Rails with an environment variable
Felix Holmgren
2 responses
ruby, rails, apache, capistrano
How to install nginx with passenger using chef
Snir David
3 responses
nginx, vagrant, chef, passenger
Running Passenger with nginx on multiple Ruby versions with RVM
Kevin Tuhumury
3 responses
ruby, rvm, nginx, server
Create Break Points in Rails with Passenger Phusion, Pry, Pry Remote
Bartłomiej Danek
1 response
ruby, rails, debugging, nginx
Passenger + Carrierwave + Rails
Ross Nelson
3 responses
rails, carrierwave, passenger
Using rbenv and rbenv-gemset with Passenger in Production
William Notowidagdo
1 response
rails, rbenv, passenger, modrails
Forward the Protocol from Nginx to Rails
Brian Ryckbost
1 response
rails, nginx, https, ssl
Ramon Roche
0 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, pry
nginx.conf passenger with padrino.rb
Angel Botto
0 responses
ruby, nginx, passenger, padrino
Multiple versions of Ruby with Nginx
Alan Stirling
0 responses
ruby, nginx, passenger, versions
Sinatra app to deploy master branch based on SemaphoreApp payload
Chip Castle
0 responses
ruby, apache, json, sinatra
Change AWS Elastic Beanstalk Passenger Spawn Mode
Tim Clipsham
0 responses
shell, aws, passenger
Fix Ruby app shutdowns inside Passenger/Nginx
0 responses
ruby, nginx, passenger
Rails Phusion Passenger Asset Path with Subdirectories - development mode
Ashley Raiteri
1 response
css, rails, development, apache
One liner to install nginx with Phusion Passenger
Kaustubh Padegaonkar
0 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, oneliner
Deploying Rails application to a VPS
Ivan Kornilov
0 responses
rails, nginx, passenger
Displaying all 16 tips
Recent Activity
Deploying Rails application to a VPS
Ivan Kornilov
rails, nginx, passenger
Rails Phusion Passenger Asset Path with Subdirectories - development mode
Ashley Raiteri
css, rails, development, apache
One liner to install nginx with Phusion Passenger
Kaustubh Padegaonkar
ruby, rails, nginx, oneliner
Running Passenger with nginx on multiple Ruby versions with RVM
Kevin Tuhumury
ruby, rvm, nginx, server
nginx.conf passenger with padrino.rb
Angel Botto
ruby, nginx, passenger, padrino
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