Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Create a JSON RESTfull API using Slim framework
Jonathan Tavares
5 responses
php, api, json, slim
Use Twitter Bootstrap in Symfony2 with Composer
Joeri Verdeyen
18 responses
php, composer, twitter-bootstrap, assetic
Installing PHP 5.4, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin and Nginx on Mac using Homebrew
15 responses
php, mysql, mac, nginx
Specifying DB Connections on Laravel
Kier Borromeo
3 responses
php, laravel, schema, database
Create Laravel Eloquent model without a primary key
Richard Jacobsen
2 responses
php, laravel, model, eloquent
Jasny Bootstrap – File upload with existing file
Arnold Daniels
5 responses
php, bootstrap, javascript
Scale PHP on Ec2 to 30,000 Concurrent Users / Server
Jonathan Block
9 responses
php, mysql, varnish, cdn
Have PHP-FPM Listen On Unix Socket
Ryan Mitchell
0 responses
php, linux, nginx, php-fpm
Laravel .htaccess
Ramiro Rodriguez
0 responses
php, laravel, htaccess
Sending PUT data through PHP cURL
Marlon Landaverde
1 response
php, rest, api, curl
Linode Debian 7 web server setup
3 responses
php, mysql, apache, debian
Send Mail From Localhost with XAMPP
Dan Jesus
1 response
php, xampp, php.ini
Solving "Class not found" errors in Laravel 4
Benjamin Harris
7 responses
php, shell, laravel, composer
Crear archivos JSON desde PHP y MySQL
Jorge Andrade
5 responses
php, mysql, json
FULL guide for integrating facebook with fos userbundle in symfony 2.1
Vince Verberckt
21 responses
php, symfony 2.1, fos user bundle, fos facebook bundle
A CodeIgniter template with an administrator panel using twitter bootstrap.
0 responses
php, codeigniter, bootstrap, admin
Bootstrap 3 in Symfony 2 with Composer and no extra bundles
Bruno Vitorino
11 responses
php, twitter, bootstrap, symfony
Find and format difference between two strings in PHP
Grant Pierce
7 responses
php, diff, strings
Super simple .htaccess rewrite to remove PHP file extensions and query strings from URLs
Anthony Levings
11 responses
php, apache, query, .htaccess
Parsing Large XML Files Using PHP
4 responses
php, xml
Redirect authenticated user on anonymous pages in Symfony
Zdeněk Drahoš
1 response
php, symfony, security, event listener
CodeIgniter and Angularjs project
José A. Zulbarán R.
3 responses
php, codeigniter, angularjs
Prevent rendering your page inside an iframe using X-Frame-Options
Marcelo Waisman
0 responses
php, iframe, http