Popular P Hp Programming Tips
SEO Friendly URLs with a Zend Filter
Stefano Torresi
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Symfony2 Entity Manager - Basic Operations
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PHP operator precedence
Bela Patkai
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[PHP] Directory Slash For Cross Platform
Samer Moustafa
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Ultimate PHP database function for mysqli
Shane Stebner
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Rolling a Linked List-style WordPress Blog
Nick Heer
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Start PHP5.4 built-in server in background
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What actually happens with CodeIgniter session/cookies
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Simple Template Renderer in php
Thomas Pannek
4 responses
php, template, twig, smarty
MongoDB ODM Param Converter service
Luã de Souza
1 response
php, mongodb, doctrine, symfony2
Auto generated doctrine migrations don't execute in transaction
Max Małecki
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php, mysql, symfony, doctrine
Animated 3D Canvases & SVG's
Nicholas Jordon
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ruby, php, python, css
NewLines on PHPUnit tests
1 response
php, phpunit, newlines
For lazy unit testers - running phpunit in a loop
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, testing, phpunit
PHP/Codeigniter: Traps for the inexperienced
David Porter
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php, codeignighter
PHP ExtJS Types Builder
Gjero Krsteski
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RVM for PHP, enters PHPbrew
Mariz Melo
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php, rvm, phpbrew
Symfony2 custom field & validator
Isaac Limon G.
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php, symfony, validator, custom field
PHP-VCR: Integration with PHPUnit
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php, testing, integration tests, php-vcr
Doctrine using an id instead of passing the object
Gonçalo Margalho
0 responses
php, doctrine, symfony2
PHP zero fill
Rogério Alencar Lino Filho
0 responses
php, function, pad, zerofill
Why some people hate PHP
Mario Rezende
1 response
php, programming
Integration of PHP Codesniffer with Netbeans & Drupal
George Boobyer
0 responses
php, drupal, netbeans, coding standards