Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Refer to someone else's home directory in bash and zsh
M Parker
0 responses
zsh, linux, mac osx, bash
Working with SQL Server with Ruby On Rails and Ubuntu
David Paluy
0 responses
rails, sqlserver, freetds, ubuntu
Appcelerator and Node.js versioning on Mac
John Joyce
0 responses
nodejs, osx, mac, appcelerator
Find the location of the php ini file
Guilio Karadanais -
0 responses
linux, bash, dev-ops
swap ESC and CapsLock for speed improvement on Vim
Anderson Pierre Cardoso
0 responses
vim, mac, gnome-shell
Knock my Port!
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
security, ssh, linux, firewall
VIM Copy/Paste
Andrew [8xx8] Kulakov
3 responses
vim, xclip, ubuntu
GNOME Shell CSS Reset
0 responses
gnome, linux, theme, gnome shell
busybox: directory colors
Enno Rehling
0 responses
linux, busybox
Problem with ntfs drive and OSX
Rafal Bromirski
4 responses
osx, mac, tips, tricks
Detect weather unter x86 or x64 Windows
Malte Bublitz
0 responses
python, maltebublitz, wine, windows
How show git branch in terminal (with colors)
0 responses
color, terminal, linux, git
Always run cmd.exe as administrator
Alvaro Garcia
0 responses
windows, cmd, administrator, uac
Downloading buffered YouTube videos on Ubuntu using terminal
0 responses
python, terminal, youtube, ubuntu
Vagrant on Ubuntu 12.10 / DNS
Christoph Lühr
0 responses
vagrant, dns, resolver, ubuntu
Use Emacs/Readline Key Bindings in OS X
Jed Schneider
2 responses
emacs, os x, productivity, readline
0 responses
bash, linux, git, branch
Strace: Interrogate misbehaving Linux apps
Garrick West
0 responses
linux, system administration
Deploying Qt on Mac OS
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
osx, mac, qt, c
WiFi Sniffing in OS X
Anders Brownworth
0 responses
mac, os x, dump, tcpdump
Create a new swap file on Linux
Russ Lankenau
0 responses
linux, sysadmin
Case insensitive path completion in UNIX shells
Janos Gyerik
3 responses
shell, linux
Less + Sublime Text 2 in ubuntu
Pablo Vicente
1 response
css, sublime text, web, linux
Show what PID is listening on a port (Linux)
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
linux, server, port, fuser
Compiler differences between Obj-C and Obj-C++
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
mac, objc, corefoundation, ios