Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
The importance of a good shell interface
Nicholas Jordon
11 responses
shell, linux, mac, protip
WTF did I do?!
Jens Nilsson
8 responses
shell, os x, tool, helpful
Deploying Rack apps on Ubuntu
Tore Darell
0 responses
ruby, rails, unicorn, rack
How to integrate statsd metrics into nginx (debian)
Oliver Tupman
0 responses
nginx, debian, statsd
How to Get Your App Rejected
Troy Shields
1 response
apple, windows phone, app store, ios
"Open Sans Light" renders broken on Windows
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
css, firefox, fonts, rendering
CPU temperature segment in tmux powerline
Félix Saparelli
1 response
linux, os x, tmux, powerline
How to install rvm for root
0 responses
rvm, centos, root, debian
How to install Node.js on Ubuntu via git
Fabrizio Codello
0 responses
howto, install, git, nodejs
Git “Command Not Found” Error In Mountain Lion [Quickfix]
Bob Williams
0 responses
osx, mac, mountain lion, fix
Get Xcode 4.4 command line tools easily
Adrien Brault
0 responses
xcode, mac, mountain lion, command line tools
Install Node.js on Mac OS X and Windows
Abhijeet Sutar
0 responses
node, mac, javascript, nodejs
LXC - lightweight virtual machines
Miguel Ángel Fernández
0 responses
shell, linux, virtual machine, ubuntu
Flexiglass and OSX Mavericks [FIXED]
Rick Hanlon II
2 responses
osx, mac, apple, app
Browser Exploitation Framework on OSX
0 responses
ruby, osx, mac, hacking
Pipes and streams in Linux
Arnold Daniels
0 responses
bash, linux, command line, shell
Find files on Linux with... find
0 responses
regex, find, linux, regexp
Istall mono on Mac OS X via homebrew
Serg Podtynnyi
0 responses
mac, gist, homebrew, mono
A couple of things I wish I knew earlier with linux
David Porter
6 responses
shell, linux, bash
Get an updated version of node.js on Debian Squeeze with NVM
0 responses
nodejs, linux, debian, nvm
Tmux Basics
shiva kumar
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, tmux