Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Find the version of Apache Axis from jar file
0 responses
linux, java, apache axis
Custom Gnome3 Menu Items & App Launchers
Jason Balthis
0 responses
shell, linux, menus, applications
Postgresql via virtual machine
Deden Fathurahman
1 response
linux, database, centos, vm
Reload .Xdefaults
0 responses
linux, configs
Power Management via Terminal
0 responses
terminal, mac, mac os x, power management
watch + lsof == Instant Progress Bar
Phil Smith
2 responses
shell, linux
JDK 5 - MacOSX INSTALL?!? You may need...
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
macosx, lion, jdk, java
Set vim's equalprg for better formatting
Spencer Williams
0 responses
vim, linux, unix
EMail Regex RFC 2822
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
ios, xcode, mac, ipad
Howto use su with ssh x-forwarding
Hannes Georg
0 responses
linux, ssh, x, su
Take a photo of yourself every time you commit (Linux)
Dan Shick
0 responses
linux, git, github
Checking for fake USB drives on Linux
Austin Keeley
0 responses
linux, dd, disk image
Extract Mac drivers from Bootcamp for Windows Laptop
Damon Aw
0 responses
mac, windows, bootcamp, devices
remap caps-lock to escape in ubuntu 13.10
Sven Eigenbrodt
0 responses
vim, ubuntu, keymap
GNU/Linux: time zone for a specific user
Paweł Wilk
0 responses
shell, linux, gnu, user
Add sudo after opening a file in vim
Steffan Harries
5 responses
vim, linux, sudo
grep -nr <x> <folder>
Marc Kuo
1 response
shell, sublime text, linux, ide
Get external IP with CLI
Osvaldo Zonetti
10 responses
shell, cli, unix, linux
Amazon EC2 Wordpress Pretty Permalinks on LAMP
Dustin Johnson
2 responses
linux, apache, ec2, aws
VMWare vCSA Local User Password Expiration
Ozzy Johnson
0 responses
linux, password, login, vmware
How to Add Space to Your Existing Mongodb Instance
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
0 responses
mongodb, ec2, ubuntu, memory space
Linux: get socket-status (php5-fpm) via linux command
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
shell, linux, php-fpm, fpm
How to install Ubuntu One on Linux Mint 14 - Cinnamon
Victor Hugo Bernardes de Souza
0 responses
shell, linux, linux mint
Como configurar Wifi estático en Raspberry Pi
0 responses
linux, raspberrypi, wifi
Quickly create large binary files for testing
Mike Hourahine
0 responses
shell, macosx, unix, bash