Maximize Your Operating System
Endlessly tweak your operating system to your taste.
Random git commit message thanks to
Russell Dempsey
2 responses
config, alias, command line, commit
A Catch-all Dynamic VirtualHosts for All Your Dev Sites
Daniel S Poulin
0 responses
linux, mac, apache, wildcard
Photoshop window stuck
Jeremy Rice
0 responses
mac, photoshop, os x
Fix OS X Mavericks homebrew $PATH issue
Jun Lin
2 responses
os x, homebrew, mavericks
Front-end on Ubuntu? Why not?
Piotr Krzoska
10 responses
linux, front-end, ubuntu
Audio streaming//record your mic (command line Linux)
0 responses
linux, audio, ffmpeg, cvlc
Running Rails 3.2.x under IIS 7.5, using SQL Server, and keeping the Asset Pipeline.
Andrew McElroy
1 response
rails, windows, ruby 1.9.4, iis 7.5
`require': cannot load such file -- mkmf (LoadError)
0 responses
ruby, ubuntu
Installing Xcode Command Line Tools on OS X Mavericks
0 responses
xcode, os x, mavericks
Pretty Print a CSV file
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
linux, pretty print, csv
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx
Kill the Dashboard in OS X Mavericks
Perry Azevedo
3 responses
terminal, os x, tricks, optimization
Installing Wine on Ubuntu 12.10 on 64 bit System
Jason Oakley
3 responses
wine, ubuntu, ubuntu 12.10
Apt Pinning in Debian
David Duggins
0 responses
debian, apt, linux
OpenSSL Encrypted Tar Backups for UNIX-like's
3 responses
linux, backup, unix, encryption
Git difftool'in like a boss
Peter Mescalchin
0 responses
shell, git, ubuntu
Practical Guide to Linux's CUT Command
0 responses
terminal, linux, cut
Detecting 64-bit Windows in node.js
David Zitao Zhang
2 responses
nodejs, javascript, windows
Managing RAM and SWAP
Daniel Romero
0 responses
shell, server, hacking, kernel
Log Memory Usage per second or minute on Linux
Samuel Lampa
3 responses
shell, linux
Ordering puppet resources with run stages
Jason Ashby
0 responses
puppet, linux, ordering, run stages
IOError: decoder jpeg not available under Python Virtualenv
0 responses
virtualenv, python, ubuntu, pil
VLAN tags in OpenStack, Quantum & OVS
Phil Smith
0 responses
openstack, linux
Log All Messages in Objective-C
Junior B.
0 responses
simulator, debug, mac, iphone