Popular Objective C Programming Tips
Check connection availability on iOS (the simple way)
Francesco Napoletano
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internet connection, ios, objective-c
I18n in iOS (similar to Ruby On Rails)
Bartłomiej Wójtowicz
0 responses
mobile, i18n, phone, ios
Secret one-liner for detecting GameCenter Support
James Womack
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ipad, iphone, objective-c, ios
XCTest on Xcode 5
Matthew Teece
0 responses
ios, xcode, objective-c, xctest
AspectFill autoresize problem
Htain Lin Shwe
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uiimageview, objective-c
A Category on NSURL to return the NSURL of a file in a standard directory.
Abizer Nasir
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cocoa, objective-c
Samuel Mclaughlin
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clang, instancetype, objective-c
Create an application who interact with PassBook
Vincent Saluzzo
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objective-c, ios, passkit
iOS - Imploding array to string
Noval Agung Prayogo
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ios, objective-c
Carl Ambroselli
1 response
coredata, objective-c, coredatatableviewcontroller
Alias for pretty-dumping plists
Simon Whitaker
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cocoa, plist, json, objective-c
Google Analytics SDK for iOS v2
Alain Hufkens
0 responses
google, ios, analytics, ga
Forward Declaration in Objective-C
0 responses
objective-c, forward declaration, compilation time
Control your annotation menu items in PSPDFKit
Adam Yanalunas
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ios, pdf, objective-c, pspdfkit
A Swift and Objective-C App comparison
1 response
ios, objective-c, swift, ios8
List of files in a directory and subdirectories
0 responses
xcode, objective-c, ios
Class Introspection
Juan Karam
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debugging, ios, objective-c
Category to detect if an iPhone has a 4" screen (is an iPhone5)
Erick Camacho
0 responses
ios, iphone5, objective-c
Hide input view(like keyboard) without first responder.
Chintan R Dave
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ios, objective-c
Manage library dependencies in Objective-C projects with CocoaPods
Wouter Martens
0 responses
ios, xcode, osx, cocos2d
Save UIImage to Desktop on iOS Simulator
0 responses
cocoa, simulator, ios, uiimage
Use bwoken!
Bradley Grzesiak
0 responses
iOS - Crop an Image
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Debug iOS apps on the device wirelessly when you can't access the 30-pin socket
Luke Rhodes
0 responses
objective-c, ios, debugging, wireless