Newest Mongoid Programming Tips
Sync Local and Production MongoDB Data
Sheharyar Naseer
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ruby, shell, heroku, unix
Get rid of the Mongoid translation missing errors (Mongoid 4.0 & Rails 4.0)
Pablo Torrecilla
3 responses
ruby, rails, mongoid, i18n
Rails 4 + Mongoid setup (updated)
Pablo Torrecilla
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ruby, rails, mongoid
Searchkick with Mongoid and Rails 4.0
Alexandra Mirtcheva
2 responses
rails, elasticsearch, mongoid, searchkick
mongoid counter_cache
Vinicius Quaiato
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ruby, rails, mongoid, counter
Messages translation for mongoid will help on fabrication/fixture investigation
Felipe Rodrigues de Almeida
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rails, mongoid, validations, messages
Find duplicate documents in mongoid with map/reduce
Javier Cervantes
0 responses
mongoid, mongo, map, duplicates
Omniauth with multiple providers in a Rails/Mongoid app
José Manuel Escudero
5 responses
rails, omniauth, mongodb, authentication
Handle MongoDB arrays in Rails Forms
Ismail Dhorat
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ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid
Guard + Spork on Rails 4 with RSpec and Cucumber
Job van der Voort
7 responses
rails, active record, guard, cucumber
Log mongoid queries inline in rails console
Steve McHail
1 response
rails, console, logging, mongoid
Generate unique_id module
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, mongoid
Polymorphic-embedded-associations in Mongoid
4 responses
ruby, mongoid, orm, polymorphism
Mongoid ModelName.collection.aggregate method with $match by dates.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid
ActiveRecord and Mongo associations
Elad Meidar
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mysql, rails, activerecord, mongoid
mongoid embeds_many with internal method.
Alexandr Korsak
0 responses
ruby, mongoid
Mongoid: Remove unnecessary properties from documents
Maciej Smoliński
2 responses
ruby, mongodb, type, mongoid
Asset Precompilation + Mongoid
Bradley Grzesiak
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rails, heroku, assets, mongoid
Moped/Mongoid 3 Instrumentation for Rails 3
Arkadiusz Buras
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ruby, mongodb, mongoid
Atomic increment in Mongoid
Emmanuel Turlay
1 response
rails, mongodb, mongoid
minimongoid or: How I learned to love Meteor
Mario Uher
4 responses
coffeescript, mongoid, meteor, model
Ping Event for Rails & Mongoid
Christopher Garvis
0 responses
ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid
[HowTo] Cómo simular una relación "has_many :through" en Mongoid #Rails
José Manuel Escudero
0 responses
rails, mongodb, mongoid
Global setup/teardown for Rails & Mongoid 3.0
Carlos Hernández
0 responses
rails, mongoid
Remove method for Mongoid::Paranoia
Kaushik Thirthappa
0 responses
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Most Viewed This Month
Guard + Spork on Rails 4 with RSpec and Cucumber
Job van der Voort
rails, active record, guard, cucumber
Rails 3; Mongoid; GridFS; Carrierwave Image Upload
Andrew Valish
rails, rails 3, mongodb, carrierwave
Mongoid: Remove unnecessary properties from documents
Maciej Smoliński
ruby, mongodb, type, mongoid
Polymorphic-embedded-associations in Mongoid
ruby, mongoid, orm, polymorphism
Log mongoid queries inline in rails console
Steve McHail
rails, console, logging, mongoid
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