Popular Mac Programming Tips
Use multiple versions of php with homebrew
Rifat Nabi
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how to install downloaded ruby tarball by ruby-install
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rvm + oh-my-zsh + zsh + iTerm2
Serg Podtynnyi
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Sudoless, brewed rubygems on OS X
Zachary Waldowski
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Personal wiki in your Mac
Carlos Rodríguez
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Batch Processing Images on Mac with SIPS
John Joyce
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Retrieve your Sublime Text 2 Licence Key
Andrew Cairns
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git on Mountain Lion
Lars Schwegmann
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Use IE on OSX with Wine
Rico Sta. Cruz
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Run A Secondary Skype Instance on Mac
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Store an Objective-C block as a property
Ryan McGrath
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UILabel text glow
Jeffrey Jackson
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Use NFS to speed up your Homestead VM
Steve Oldham
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Clean Postgres on Mac Mavericks
Cory Simmons
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Setup Vim for Ruby on Rails (OSX)
Carlos Baraza
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Chrome Cache in RamDisk on OS X
Alan Ivey
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A Catch-all Dynamic VirtualHosts for All Your Dev Sites
Daniel S Poulin
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Photoshop window stuck
Jeremy Rice
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Log All Messages in Objective-C
Junior B.
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Easiest way to start a basic local webserver.
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CMake Error: Could NOT find JNI (missing: JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2)
Thomas Taschauer
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Organize Photos Into Year & Month Folders
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Vim-Slime + iTerm2
Junior Ales
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Dealing with Alt+Space (non-breakable space) in Sublime Text 2 on OS X
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