Popular Json Programming Tips
Pretty-Print JSON Using JSON.stringify()
Jason Edelman
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json, javascript
Pretty print JSON from the command line using python
Mark Allen
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python, json, pretty print
curl example.com/walrus.json | python -mjson.tool
Steven Normore
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python, cli, json, bash
Don't forget to accept args when writing to_json methods
David Underwood
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ruby, json, serialization
Get nested JSON value in Go
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algorithms, json, go
Validate or check a json string in Javascript
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javascript, json, string, functions
An extensible configuration object
Rui Carmo
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python, config, logging, json
PostgreSQL 9.2 is out
Alex Indigo
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nodejs, nosql, json, postgres
Read local json file synchronously
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javascript, json
Json to plist (XML)
A. Miezan Echis
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sublime text, plist, json, tmlanguage
Tomcat catalina.out JSON logging
Lars Van Casteren
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catalina, json, tomcat, logging
JSON5 - like JSON but for human-editing
Dmitry Pashkevich
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javascript, nodejs, json, ecmascript
Use jq to format JSON in Vim
Colin Dean
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vim, json, jq
Type Juggling in PHP
Miquel Brazil
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php, web development, json, coding
GDocs -> JSON
Jeff Nelson
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regex, json, st2, gdocs
Better fullscreen support in Sublime Text on Mountain Lion
Rafal Pastuszak
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sublime text, osx, ui, json
Rendering Errors in JSON With Rails
Johnny Rodgers
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rails, json, error-handling
Sinatra app to deploy master branch based on SemaphoreApp payload - Part 2
Chip Castle
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ruby, json, sinatra, build
.jq, the JSON query tool
Spencer Williams
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linux, json, javascript
C# Utility methods for javascript data
Stacy Gay
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json, html 5, data, javascript
JSON rather than ini
Pedro Aron Barrera Almaraz
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desktop, json, ini, winforms
Vim: 'errorformat' setting for JSON syntax checker
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vim, json, chef
Browsing JSON interactively with CLI
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cli, json, npm, nodejs
Pretty JSON in the terminal
Rodrigo Kochenburger
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python, cli, json