Newest Java Script Programming Tips
Truncate text to lines, not number of characters
Tu Hoang
1 response
javascript, trunk8, jquery
Enabling cross domain requests in jQuery
1 response
web, jquery, javascript
Understanding javascript prototype and prototype chain proces
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
objects, prototype, javascript, chain
End of the world countdown
Valentin Beuret
3 responses
javascript, maya, prophecy
One important fact to stop using jQuery for your animations on website
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
animations, jquery, javascript, preformance
Which sorting algorithm Array.sort use?
Afshin Mehrabani
1 response
sorting, algorithm, javascript
Encode string to HTML entities via jQuery
Igor Moiseev
2 responses
html, javascript, htmlentities, jquery
[jQuery] Go to top of page
Yesi D
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Chosen forms in Django
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django, javascript, chosen
IE and the Javascript Console
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javascript, console, ie
when loading JSON
Stevo Perisic
2 responses
json, asynchronous, jquery
Swipe.js - lightweight replacement for iScroll
Cezar “ikari” Pokorski
0 responses
touch, javascript, kinetic scrolling
How to show content based on urls via JavaScript/jQuery
Ehsan Pourhadi
0 responses
jquery, javascript
Bem methodology
0 responses
css, html, js, bem
How to use pattern matching to solve FizzBuzz in Javascript with Node.js & Funcy
Chris Bumgardner
1 response
nodejs, pattern matching, javascript, fizzbuzz
Avoiding nested asynchronous calls in JS
Ignacio Chavez
7 responses
javascript, callbacks, deferreds, jquery
Use Node.js to check client code
Adam Blackburn
0 responses
nodejs, javascript
UIWebView, Javascript and Objective-C (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, ios 5, uiwebview, ios
Make string url ready
Michał Kowalkowski
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Web devs can use Make too!
Justin Poliey
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make, handlebars, javascript
brief explanation of __proto__ using an example and a pollyfill for MSIE 9 & 10
christos constandinou
0 responses
javascript, inheritance
Using Backbone's new `listenTo`
Adam Thurlow
5 responses
backbone.js, javascript
Javascript Bizzars
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
object, javascript, bizzars
Pretty print JSON from command line with NodeJS
Dmitry Pashkevich
2 responses
cli, json, commandline, javascript