Popular Jasmine Programming Tips
Workaround for broken `jasmine-node --autotest` on OS X
Brian Gesiak
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tdd, jasmine-node, javascript, jasmine
FakeServer - Simplified Jasmine/Sinon interface for Ajax mocking
Craig Maslowski
0 responses
tdd, sinon, javascript, jasmine
Coffeescript & Jasmine Testing – Tool Support for Cloud9 IDE
Tobias Pfeiffer
0 responses
ide, cloud9, test-driven development, plug-in
Stub multiple promises with AngularJS and SinonJS
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javascript, angularjs, jasmine, sinonjs
Async Testing in Jasmine 2.0
Jason Weden
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javascript, unit-testing, jasmine, jasminebdd
Stubbing and Mocking with RSpec
0 responses
rails, jasmine, rspec, cucumber
Rails, Backbone, Oauth, Websocket, Heroku Sample Application
Rafael Jesus
1 response
rails, heroku, puma, oauth
grunt-init with Coffeescript and Jasmine support
Nicola Molinari
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grunt, javascript, coffeescript, jasmine
SpecRunner for Jasmine+Require
Emmanuel Bourgerie
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requirejs, javascript, jasmine
Jasmine Jquery
Ian Crowther
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javascript, jquery, jasmine, unit testing
jQuery Plugin BDD with grunt and jasmine
Mauro Verrocchio
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bdd, jquery plugin, grunt, jasmine
How I made a MultiView toggle class in Coffeescript with TDD
Cristian Andrei
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tdd, rails, views, javascript
DOM Testing with Jasmine
Jason Weden
0 responses
javascript, jquery, jasmine, jasmine-jquery
Testing node.js applications
0 responses
tdd, nodejs, screencast, testing
Designing code with RSpec
0 responses
rails, cucumber, software design, spec
How to spy on JavaScript methods with Jasmine
0 responses
javascript, jasmine, testing, spec
Writing Successful Solutions on SpecHero
Ritchie Young
0 responses
coffeescript, test-driven development, javascript, jasmine
How to test asynchronous JavaScript with Jasmine
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screencast, testing, spec, test-driven development
JavaScript Testing with Jasmine
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testing, spec, test-driven development, unit test
Fast-failing zombie test
0 responses
javascript, tdd, node, jasmine
Test angular service
Ron Apelbaum
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angularjs, jasmine
Automated acceptance testing on iOS
Saager Mhatre
0 responses
slideshare, automation, testing, uiautomation
Test angular controller
Ron Apelbaum
0 responses
angularjs, jasmine