iOS Development Tips
Codign tips to speed up your objective-c and swift development as well as your apps.
Responding to Keyboard Events on iOS
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
mobile, objective c, keyboard shortcuts, ios
Fade an iOS Splash Screen
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
ios, objective c, fade, splash screen
UITextField: changing the placeholder's color
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, placeholder, uitextfield
Reset iOS Safari's emulated hover state
Joel Birch
2 responses
ios, bug, safari, touch
CI for Open Source iOS Applications, Part 1: Setup
Brian Gesiak
0 responses
xcode, ci, jenkins, objective-c
Native Scrolling on Touch Devices & Polyfilling
0 responses
mobile, css3, iphone, phonegap
Simple XOR Encryption and Decryption in Swift (Playground Code)
Anthony Levings
1 response
xcode, utf-8, swift, xor
Extending classes with categories in Xcode for iOS
Anthony Levings
2 responses
ios, xcode, extending classes, categories
Some simple Swift Extensions (Strip HTML, RGB Color, Color invert, Dismiss modal segue)
Christian Weber
1 response
uicolor, programming, string, nsstring
Check internet connection without Reachability (Objective C, iOS)
Rudenko Michael
2 responses
objective c, internet connection, ios
Automatically generate UITableViewCell reuse identifiers
Michael Morrison
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Hiding the iOS Keyboard
Juan Sanchez
0 responses
keyboard, ipad, iphone, hide
UITableView cells background gradient (iOS, Objective c)
Rudenko Michael
0 responses
xcode, objective c, uitableview cells background gradient, ios
Steps to Quickly Analyze App Crash Report in Xcode
0 responses
app crash report, mobile app crash report, mobile app, mobile app developer
git on Mountain Lion
Lars Schwegmann
3 responses
mountain, xcode, mac, lion
Use initWithCoder to do custom view controller initialization in iOS
Matthew Dobson
0 responses
ios, apps, interface builder, storyboard
Search mechanism in iOS 8
Eugene Mozharovsky
0 responses
swift, ios 8, ios programming, uisearchcontroller
Update SVN-Client in XCode (and OSX if you like)
Dominik Pich
2 responses
xcode, osx, svn
AutoPlay HLS videos
0 responses
hls, video, html5, ios
Detect Mobile Safari
Ronny Orbach
0 responses
mobile, modernizr, javascript, useragent
Build Xcode projects in Sublime Text 2
Luke van der Hoeven
0 responses
xcode, build, sublime text 2
Registering your app to be able to open images from other apps
2 responses
ruby, ruby motion, ios