Popular I Os Programming Tips
Compiler differences between Obj-C and Obj-C++
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
mac, objc, corefoundation, ios
Debug Php calls sent from my iOS app (AFNetworking 2.0)
0 responses
php, xdebug, phpstorm, appcode
NSString SHA1 Verification
Max Kramer
0 responses
objective-c, ios, regex, password
Signer did not match any installed provisioning profile
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, code signing, certifcate
SBRXCallbackURLKit: Easily add x-callback-url support to your app
Sebastian Rehnby
0 responses
cocoa, objc, cocoapods, objective-c
Easy MD5/SHA1 Hashes in RubyMotion
Tom Milewski
0 responses
ruby, hash, ios, digest
Modal UIAlertView (iOS 7)
Prashant C
0 responses
c#, xamarin, ios
Dynamically call delegate method by name in Objective-C
Lorenzo Masini
0 responses
introspection, objective-c
iOS 7 Header View Size Debugging
David Kormushoff
2 responses
ios, objective-c
CocoaPods, bundler for Objective-C
Sascha Hoellger
0 responses
Fetched Properties
Brian Michel
0 responses
osx, coredata, fetched properties, objective-c
Flat UINavigationBar with "glyphs" instead of "buttons"
Matteo Toto
0 responses
objective-c, uikit, flat design, ios
Array subscripting in Objective-C
Jeremy Tregunna
0 responses
xcode, ios sdk, objective-c
Anonymise Google Analytics on iOS
Oliver Tupman
0 responses
security, privacy, google analytics, anonymisation
Learn about the new iOS open source libraries and components from twitter
Sergei Cherepanov
0 responses
open source, cocos2s-iphone, twitter, objective-c
iOS6 Penetration percentage
Alex Cristea
0 responses
ios, ios6
Method to convert NSDate to NSString
3 responses
ios, core data, nsdate
Cost effective way of Exception tracking
Rahul Trikha
0 responses
ruby, rails, android, error
git on Dropbox!
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
ios, xcode, mac, git
NSString objects are always constants!
Sam Green
0 responses
cocoa, ios, xcode, mac
Code on the Main Thread?
Max Kramer
0 responses
objective-c, ios, multithreading, nsthread
iOS - Simple local notification Example
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Develop PhoneGap apps in your browser
Martin Naumann
0 responses
apps, development, ide, cordova
Workaround for too-heavy italic weight of Helvetica Neue on iOS
Nick Heer
0 responses
css, ios, helvetica