Popular I Os Programming Tips
HD & Retina Display Media Queries
Mike King
1 response
css, ios, responsive design, media query
Creating an NSAttributedString from HTML (or RTF) in iOS 7
Anthony Levings
2 responses
html, xcode, rtf, nsattributedstring
forEach on an Array in Swift
Wim Haanstra
1 response
extension, swift
Debugging JavaScript errors on iOS, android and other mobile devices
Mark Vaughn
1 response
console, android, debugging, iphone
GLaDOS Voice Tutorial (and other AI's)
Wesley Hill
2 responses
android, mac, iphone, robots
Compiling for iOS outside of Xcode with xcrun
Gregory Pakosz
0 responses
xcode, makefile, xcrun
Reduce XCode build times
Aurélien Lemesle
0 responses
xcode, os x
Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
1 response
cocoa, objective-c, go, cgo
Modifying XCode projects via command line
Ignacio Calderon
3 responses
python, xcode, command line
Careful with NSURLSession
Claudio Poli
1 response
cocoa, nsurlsession, ios
Create custom UIButton using stretched image
Samuel Chow
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Sort Lines of Text in Any OSX Application
Jeff Remer
4 responses
shell, terminal, xcode, osx
Mastering iOS 7 UIStatusBarStyle
Max Howell
3 responses
ios, iphone, ios7
Quick Guide to Objective-C DateFormatting
Samuel Chow
2 responses
cocoa, text, date, objective-c
Create view background gradient iOS, Objective C
Rudenko Michael
0 responses
xcode, objective c, view background, ios
Handling UILocalNotification When App Is Active
Kamil Tusznio
1 response
notifications, ios
Create and Perform a Storyboard Segue programatically
James Tang
3 responses
ios, storyboard, segue
iOS - Remove UIButton touch delay inner UIScrollView
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Custom Unicode Characters in Objective-C (SymbolSet)
Brendan O'Brien
1 response
unicode, objective-c
How to save a pdf file with its annotations in Objective-C
Juan Fernández Sagasti
3 responses
cocoa, ios, pdf, cocoa touch
UIView category for rounding just the corners which you want, not all like CALayer cornerRadius.
Vashishtha Jogi
2 responses
uiview, category, objective-c, rounded corner
iOS - get current location information
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
UIRefreshControl in any UIScrollView
Andreas Grauel
2 responses
Sending iOS Push Notifications (APN) via Node.js
Jake Luer
1 response
ios, nodejs, apn