Popular Http Programming Tips
Go implementation of a JSON consuming RESTful API.
Matthew Brown
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http, rest, api, json
HTTPie, an easy to use cURL replacement
Jakub Roztocil
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python, cli, http, curl
HttpURLConnection hangs on Android
Sebastiano Poggi
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http, apache, connection, httpurlconnection
Parsing a Link header in Javascript
Andrei Sambra
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javascript, http, parsing, link header
Recursively download files from a HTTP directory
Diego Ponciano
1 response
shell, wget, http
Measure HTTP response times with cURL and store it on Cosm
Ilya Dmitrichenko
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http, curl, cosm, response
Python simple HTTP web server with logging output
Nicholas Drone
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command line, python, http
cURL for Humans
Sebastian Rajo
2 responses
http, curl, json, form
Make cURL in PHP less sucky
Nate Good
1 response
php, http, rest, api
Dealing with trailing slashes in Rails apps
Robert Glaser
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ruby, rails, http
Post JSON Body to API with Basic HTTP Authentication using Objective C and AFNetworking 2.0
Luke Rhodes
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http, iphone, dev, json
git config http proxy including authentication
Rob Pearson
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http, proxy, authentication, git
Unlikely coding a VBScript posting to a rest api
Thomas Cremers
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http, restful, vbscript, windows
One line web server
Greg Roodt
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python, web, http, dotfiles
Retrieving POST data from Backbone.js in PHP
Marlon Landaverde
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php, http, rest, api
Post JSON Body to API with Basic HTTP Authentication using Objective C and AFNetworking 1.0
Luke Rhodes
0 responses
http, iphone, dev, json
groovy (java) simple http server with basic auth
Vladimir Polyakov
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groovy, web, http, server
Python one line HTTP server
Diego Pérez
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python, html, http
Command line tool alternative to curl for toying with APIs
Christoph Lühr
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cli, http, curl, json
wrk - a HTTP benchmarking tool
Johannes Boyne
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http, benchmarking, nodejs
Rackspace Load balancer with SSL Termination for IIS HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect
Brian Retterer
0 responses
http, https, iis, rackspace
Proper Typhoeus PUT request
Nick DeSteffen
1 response
ruby, http, typhoeus
A quick and dirty url benchmarking script in Ruby
Adam Phillips
0 responses
ruby, http, benchmarking
Extract HTTP Response Code from Nginx Log for Splunk
0 responses
regex, code, http, nginx