Popular Hex Programming Tips
Word/Line deletion and navigation shortcuts in iTerm2
Levi Tan Ong
7 responses
keyboard, shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, iterm
Darken HEX color in PHP
Aleš Farčnik
0 responses
php, color, darken, hex
Fast byte array to hex string conversion in C#
Sascha Kiefer
2 responses
performance, convert, hex, c#
CSS hex color validation in Rails
Mike Carter
0 responses
css, rails, hex, validator
css color preview plugin done right
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
2 responses
css, vim, colors, plugin
When using PROGMEM, pgm_read_byte() or pgm_read_word() returns unexpected values?
0 responses
elf, avr, progmem, hex
Convert HEX to DEC (and vice versa) Using Only Your Shell
Cengiz Can
0 responses
shell, sh, hex, bash
UIColor With Hex Values
Isuru Nanayakkara
0 responses
extensions, uicolor, hex, swift
Why Box Shadow should only use RGBA
Jacob Kelley
0 responses
css, hex, rgba
RBG on iOS the correct way
1 response
macro, hex, rgb, objective-c
Create a random (yet valid) hex colour value in Ruby
Simon Starr
0 responses
ruby, hex, colour
Displaying all 11 tips
Recent Activity
Convert HEX to DEC (and vice versa) Using Only Your Shell
Cengiz Can
shell, sh, hex, bash
UIColor With Hex Values
Isuru Nanayakkara
extensions, uicolor, hex, swift
Word/Line deletion and navigation shortcuts in iTerm2
Levi Tan Ong
keyboard, shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, iterm
Create a random (yet valid) hex colour value in Ruby
Simon Starr
ruby, hex, colour
css color preview plugin done right
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
css, vim, colors, plugin
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