Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
Strategy for selecting NodeJS module
Avner Cohen
0 responses
nodejs, npm, javascript, github
Looking for Pull Requests
Fernando Doglio
1 response
open-source, pull request, github
Great slides on scaling tech and business by github
Aaron Trevena
0 responses
git, scaling, growth, high availability
"Quiet assets" turn off assets pipeline trash log.
Dmitry Karpunin
0 responses
log, gem, assets, ror
To get your lost commits in git
0 responses
rashmi14yadav, git download no invitation needed
Jichao Ouyang
0 responses
atom,, github
Justin Seiter
0 responses
gist, git, github
Understanding git merges
Kristian Lewis Jones
0 responses
merge, git
Moving to the new Android Build System
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, gradle, intellij, hg
GitHub Flavored Markdown to HMTL (gfm2html)
Evertton de Lima
0 responses
shell, git, gfm2html
Super Git console Linux
Hendrik Peter
1 response
shell, linux, git, ubuntu
Postage - a RabbitMQ-based Component Python Library
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, rabbitmq, concurrent programming, github
git ignore not working
0 responses
.gitignore not working
2 responses
gitignore, git
Git Command to Remove All Local Branches
James O'Brien
1 response
branch, git
Spell checking and auto word wrap with vim and git
BK Box
0 responses
git, vim, vimrc
Migrate SVN branches to Git
1 response
branch, svn, rebase, versioning
Migrate Subversion to Git
Bart Bakker
0 responses
migration, subversion, git