Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
The wiki-as-submodule pattern
Matti Schneider
0 responses
documentation, git, github
Publicize your Coderwall Badges
Matt Heath
2 responses
ruby, coderwall, github
Some cool stuff you should know about git #2
Radosław Jędryszczak
4 responses
tips, git, checkout branches, git autocorrect
Carlos Júnior
2 responses
agile, git, standup
Quickest Rails Install on OS X Mountain Lion: Git, RVM, Ruby 1.9.3, PostgreSQL
Joseph Jaber
0 responses
ruby, sqlite, os x, rvm
Use a post-commit git hook to mirror your repo
Matthew Dobson
0 responses
devops, backups, git-hook, post-commit
Sublime Text - MultiLang Color Schemes
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
scheme, sublime text, textmate, project
Git branch fuzzy search checkout
Christoffer Skeppstedt
0 responses
shell, utility, git
git alias for quickly amending a commit
Ryan Sobol
0 responses
shell, alias, git
Creating .gitignore file through command line on Windows
Rafael Kiyohiro Une
0 responses
command line, git, windows
Customize Powershell Prompt Message to Show Current Git branch name
0 responses
powershell, productivity, git
Syncing SVN Repos with GitHub
Patrick Rauland
1 response
svn, scm, git, wordpress
We Are Deprecateware
4 responses
learning, bitbucket, innovation, growing
Checkout/Merge previous branch
Todd Wolfson
2 responses
branch, merge, git, previous
A Simple Shell Function to Update Git Branches
Phil Cohen
0 responses
shell, git
Install erlang and elixir on Ubuntu from source
Peter Suschlik
1 response
erlang, elixir, source, install
Terminal Color Scheme for Git
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
scheme, color, terminal, branch
Clean up a messy git repo!
Andrew Theken
2 responses
protip, git, bash