Newest Functions Programming Tips
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
Compose Javascript functions from left to right with function-pipe (array of functions into a single function)
0 responses
javascript, functions, array, compose
Validate or check a json string in Javascript
0 responses
javascript, json, string, functions
Retrieve an array value at a function call
Everton Silva
0 responses
php, functions, arrays
ZSH autoloading functions I
Rob Jentzema
1 response
shell, zsh, functions, autoload
ZSH family of named and anon shell functions
Rob Jentzema
0 responses
shell, zsh, functions, tricks
Different ways to call a method in Ruby
Jack Weiss
1 response
ruby, functions, metaprogramming, methods
Git Bash - Fixing it with alias and Functions
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
5 responses
alias, functions, git, git bash
LESS CSS: Turn one variable part of another variable name
Paulo Griiettner
0 responses
css, functions, mixins, less. variables
[Wordpress] How to check if page is a child?
1 response
php, functions, themes, wordpress
array_length in Postgresql
Jerry Clinesmith
0 responses
functions, array, postgresql
JavaScript function overloading
Steven Iseki
1 response
functions, javascript
Using getopts in bash functions
Dennis Cornwell
0 responses
shell, functions, bash, getopts
Several ways of turning function declarations into expressions
0 responses
functions, javascript
Function Match in Q
Dionysios Barmpoutis
0 responses
functions, q, match, kdb
A function to find and kill processes running on a certain port
Kevin Suttle
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, functions
Decrypt Stored Procedure in SQL Server to Regain the Accessibility
SQL Decryptor
0 responses
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Simple SASS Em Calculator Function
Kim Goulbourne
0 responses
functions, sass, em, calculations
Joining multiple functions together in Javascript
Joel Day
1 response
functions, javascript, arrays
Cedric Ruiz
0 responses
functions, prototype, javascript, extend
Exploring functions in the Chrome Dev tools
Stuart Knightley
2 responses
chrome, functions, webkit, javascript
Erlang: Functions vs Case
Mark Allen
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eval is Evil
Rashaad Essop
0 responses
eval, js, functions, javascript
0 responses
javascript, functions, ecmascript, ecma
Most Viewed This Month
Git Bash - Fixing it with alias and Functions
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
alias, functions, git, git bash
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
php, wp_query, functions, github
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
php, wp_query, functions, github
JavaScript function overloading
Steven Iseki
functions, javascript
Joining multiple functions together in Javascript
Joel Day
functions, javascript, arrays
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