Popular Fonts Programming Tips
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css, font, design, fonts
Stylus: A simple function to convert px to %
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css, stylus, fonts, raineorshine
Fire event after typekit load
jay mabazza
1 response
jquery, css, fonts, adobe
Font Awesome
Andy Lin
3 responses
css, design, fonts
Fix IE8 icon font display issues
Nate Steiner
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jquery, ie, fonts, icons
Pay what you want ($0 up) for dozens of great fonts
Kerrick Long
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design, free, fonts
compass-fontcustom v1.0.0
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ruby, sass, compass, fonts
iOS font
Rohit Kotian
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ios, ui, fonts
5 Use Cases for Icon Fonts
Tim Pietrusky
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css, ui, fonts, icons
iOS custom font limit?
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ios, fonts, custom, error
Avoid HF&J's cloud.typography
Stephen Tvedt
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css, typography, html, web
load your cdn scripts with // to satisfy https
Mark Vaughn
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https, fonts, encryption, javascript
Simple google font helper for Rails 4
Camilo Zambrano
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google, helper, fonts, rails 4
Web-fonts inheritance
Dmitry Vislov
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css, fonts, font-face, web-fonts
Override User Selected Font in iBooks
Andrew Bigger
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css, fonts, icons, html
How to disable hinting fonts style in Archbang
Morteza Nourelahi Alamdari
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fonts, display, archbang, openbox
Nice source of web fonts
Alejandro Narancio
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css, html, fonts
Fix Fedora font rendering
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fedora, fonts, xorg
Free webapp icons webfont
James Van Dyke
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webapp, fonts, icons
Awesome font for your next website
Ynon Perek
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design, fonts
Font Awesome css-class and icons quick reference
bharat khiani
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font awesome, fonts, icons