Popular Emacs Programming Tips
Use ido/iswitchb sytle completion in magit
Leonardo Etcheverry
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Install Emacs PHP mode on Ubuntu
Gustavo Gómez
0 responses
php, emacs, ubuntu
Simulate middle mouse click in emacs on crouton
0 responses
emacs, ubuntu, chromebook, crouton
Unbinding shortcuts in GNU Emacs
Antoine Morin-Paulhus
0 responses
configuration, emacs, shortcuts, elisp
In-place Python code execution in Emacs org mode
Amit Saha
0 responses
python, documentation, emacs, org-mode
Error compiling SCSS asset- Emacs users
Pericles Theodorou
0 responses
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Emacs Change logs
samuel tonini
0 responses
emacs, changelog
Bundle install inside emacs
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
ruby, rails, emacs
Integrate OS X clipboard into Emacs
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
emacs, mac, clipboard, os x
Run minitest tests from within emacs
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
ruby, rails, emacs, minitest
Emacs tail -f log files
0 responses
emacs, tail -f
Emacs 24 OS X Fullscreen Keyboard Shortcut
Ryan C
0 responses
emacs, osx
Emacs and rbenv
Yves Senn
0 responses
ruby, emacs, rbenv
Emacs term on the remote ubuntu box
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
emacs, ssh, term, ubuntu
Faster and Smarter Editing with `e`
Édouard Lopez
0 responses
shell, nano, emacs, vim
Prefer backward-kill-word over Backspace
1 response
emacs, productivity, steve yegge, effective emacs
Emacs Killing Buffers
Daniel De Aguiar
0 responses
Open git changed files with 1 command
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
emacs, git, sheel
Perfect? Clojure enviroment
John Stevenson
0 responses
clojure, emacs
open file as su in eshell
Victor Quinn
0 responses
emacs, sudo, eshell
Typing tricks on OSX
Alex Kotliarskyi
0 responses
emacs, osx
Replace :key => with key: in emacs
Matthew Boston
0 responses
ruby, emacs, hash