.NET Development Tips
Coding tips for C#, ASP.NET, and VB.NET that are so good you'll have Redmond impressed.
Room Booking Calendar in MVC3 Razor: Dynamic Loading and Airy Events
Viktoria Langer
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scheduler, asp.net, booking calendar, mvc3 razor
DHTMLX Scheduler .NET 3.1 Released: New Skin, MultiSection Events, and More
Viktoria Langer
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mvc, web development, scheduler, calendar
helps you unleash your creativity
Michael Sogos
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asp, .net, web, visual studio
Goto and the art of evil
Andrew Binstead
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development, programming, c#, evil
Integer raise-to-power-of
Alistair Young
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math, c#, power
Preserving bindings and journaled values
Matthew Donoughe
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.net, wpf, data binding
Great icons for WindowsPhone's appbar
Никита Тимофеев
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visual basic, windows phone, icons, c#
Find control into template
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asp.net, c#, devexpress
Low impact logging
Chris Pebble
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.net, logging, parallel
Something to know about .Net's Javascript serializer
Gavin Roberts
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javascript, asp.net, ajax, c#
Refactoring Remove method in MongoDb Repository
Abdrashitov Vadim
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csharp, mongodb
Have tests for your public API
Kamran Ayub
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.net, api, testing
Replace an item in a List
Blaise Liu
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list, collection, c#
Simple action example
Bruno Mikoski
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unity, c#, unity3d
Abuse IDisposable in C#
Ilari Mäkimattila
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idisposable, c#
Let’s validate if we have a real PDF file
Gerardo Renovales
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pdf, c#, file validation
Building Out a Clean, REST-ful WebApi Service with a Minimal WebApi Project
John Atten
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c#, webapi, asp.net
.NET Limited Http requests
Ezeki Zibzibadze
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.net, http, connections, concurrent
Software Developer, Photographer & Mount Rider
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asp.net, nodejs, csharp, mongodb
#region can be a code smell
Alec Lanter
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c#, code structure
Capitalize String Extension
Terry Dellino
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.net, string, extensionmethod
Determine if a User Belongs to an Allegro Security Group
0 responses
c#, allegro, allegro 8.x
A useful Windows Phone Memory Monitor class
Tyler Koske
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windows phone, c#
Entity Framework on MySQL
Brice Lambson
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mysql, .net, entity-framework