Popular Development Programming Tips
Writing Great Documentation
Zane Wolfgang Pickett
9 responses
documentation, development
Best Project management solution
Joshua Kidd
0 responses
php, blogging, development, projects
Epic List of Front End Development Resources
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
jquery, php, css, typography
The DCI Architecture: Lean and Agile at the Code Level
Mario Rezende
0 responses
development, programming, agile, lean
Juggling Cloud Data On and Offline
Tim I Hely
4 responses
development, game
So you want to choose an IDE eh?
The Spirit Molecule.
2 responses
php, workspace, web, editor
Lion, Xcode, GIT, RVM, Passenger, Mysql, ImageMagick
Ross Nelson
0 responses
rails, osx, lion, development
Faster preview of Sass/SCSS projects
Łukasz Niemier
3 responses
css, development, scss, sass
Validate Email Form with Jquery
Harry Gogonis
0 responses
javascript, jquery, css, html
Visual Studio: Dark Side
Vitaly Obukhov
0 responses
.net, development, visual studio, font
Software development life cycle
Eugene Rudenko
2 responses
software, development
Patterns, resources and news for creating responsive web experiences.
Diego Pérez
1 response
html, mobile, development, rwd
Fast multi-module maven builds
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, script, development, maven
You are not lazy, sometimes Copy & Paste is a skill!
Héliton Nordt
2 responses
development, less mistakes, productive
Game Jams: The most fun you can have while programming
1 response
development, game
Integrated Development Environment?
Clark Nelson
2 responses
sublime, vim, development, ide
Test Driven Development
Jesse Reese
0 responses
php, development, programming, unit testing
Develo standardize development workflows!
Marian Ignev
0 responses
ruby, python, rails, console
UML Standard Diagrams
7 responses
development, team, design, uml
The road map to develop indie games
Pablo Vicente
1 response
development, tutorial, unity, 3d
Speeding Up Local DNS Queries in OSX
James Brooks
0 responses
osx, development, hosts, local
A tool that makes web design and development workflow simpler
0 responses
web, development, tool, design
What you should know about API-centric web development
Kristo Vaher
0 responses
web, development, api, architecture
Measurement changes behavior
Alexander Brevig
0 responses
development, game
Neat Firefox Profiles
0 responses
firefox, web, development, profiles