Popular Deployment Programming Tips
Continuous Deployment to Nodejitsu
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testing, deployment, nodejs, nodejitsu
Pin Your Packages
Vincent Driessen
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python, development, pip, deployment
Notify Airbrake of a deployment of a Node.js project using capistrano
Wes Gamble
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nodejs, capistrano, deployment, airbrake
Django Shared Settings.
Amol Kher
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django, deployment
No-pain web development: easier configuration and deployment = more features
Frank Rousseau
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nodejs, vagrant, deployment, quickstart
Tracking Deployments with Rollbar – Free Snippet
0 responses
open source, snippet, free, deployment
Custom git script for use with git based deployment
Jon Druse
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git, deployment, git workflow
Painless Deployment using Fabric
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python, deployment, fabric
Tip about MSSQL server, CLR-s deployment
Ezeki Zibzibadze
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clr, deployment, mssql
Deployment script for meteor app
Micha Roon
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shell script, deployment
Continuous Integration Made Easy
Dal Rupnik
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ios, ci, deployment, testflight
Tarball of files modified between two GIT commits
0 responses
shell, git, deploy, deployment
Tag deployments in git
Gleb Mazovetskiy
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deployment, git