Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
Add an abbreviation for IPDB in vim
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, vim, productivity
Detecting file permission changes' in a git repo
Alvaro Garcia
0 responses
changes, git, linux, bash
Show rails test logs in terminal
0 responses
rails, terminal, logs, tests
Make your zsh startup faster (oh-my-zsh and rbenv fixes)
Adam Stankiewicz
4 responses
ruby, shell, zsh, oh-my-zsh
`cat` syntax highlighting
Boris Guéry
19 responses
shell, zsh, cat, bash
Animated CPU chart in the Zsh prompt
Stanislaw Pusep
4 responses
shell, zsh, prompt
Windows boot2docker - pimp your terminal console with ConEmu
Martin W. Kirst
5 responses
terminal, open source, windows, boot2docker
Use Fugitive as Git mergetool
Adam Stankiewicz
2 responses
vim, git, fugitive
Shell alias to stop writing `bundle exec`
Rafaël Blais Masson
2 responses
ruby, bundler, shell
Manage VERSION, CHANGES and git tags with a bash script
Pete Otaqui
0 responses
tags, changes, git, bash
Make Git ignore Filemode changes
Danny Englander
1 response
terminal, command line, permissions, git
iTerm2 tab names and colors
Jason Rogers
0 responses
iterm2, bash
Vagrant tweaks to make it more like your local command line app
Laura Davis-Robeson
2 responses
terminal, vagrant, iterm, bash
iOS Simulator log in terminal, instead of Xcode
Paweł Ksieniewicz
0 responses
terminal, ios, xcode
executable playbooks
Brian Coca
3 responses
shell, ansible
Add the current directory to $PATH
Joel Kirchartz
0 responses
shell, terminal, command line, cli
Zsh function to pretty print json in shell
3 responses
python, zsh, tips, tricks
Generate SSH deploy keys with Chef and sshkey gem.
Eric G. Wolfe
1 response
ssh, chef, sshkey, deploy_key
Adding mongodb PATH in linux systems
Cassio Cabral
0 responses
mongodb, bash
Prefix all elements of a bash variable with a string
Michael Stucki
0 responses
array, variable, bash
VIM: get current file path
0 responses
vim, file path
Using sublime with oh my zsh
1 response
zsh, sublime, alias, bash
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx