Popular Color Programming Tips
A better git log
Filipe Kiss
50 responses
color, aliases, log, alias
IOS customized activity indicator with Swift
eranga bandara
6 responses
color, ios, uiview, swift
IOS UI colors with hex values in swfit
eranga bandara
1 response
color, ios, osx, swift
Flat UI Color Palette for Inkscape / Gimp
Rok Fajfar
3 responses
color, vector, design, ui
Darken HEX color in PHP
Aleš Farčnik
0 responses
php, color, darken, hex
Change tab color in Sublime Text 2
Erik van Nieuwburg
2 responses
color, sublime, ide, text
Pimp my GDB
Benjamin Chrétien
2 responses
color, gdb, tweaking
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx
Transparency in background of views in Appcelerator Titanium
Denver Sessink
3 responses
color, backgroundcolor, appcelerator, titanium
Using CIE-LCh for better color blending
Adam Luptak
0 responses
color, animation, transition, rgb
How to Changing Row Color on DevExpress GridView
0 responses
color, ui, devexpress
Custom Coloring Using .gitconfig
Jon Staff
0 responses
color, terminal, gitconfig, git
Test color lightness with Sass conditionals
Ken Seals
0 responses
color, test, sass, scss
Terminal Color Scheme for Git
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
scheme, color, terminal, branch
Simple Git Log Alias
Piper Chester
0 responses
shell, color, branch, alias
Material Color Palette
Mostafa Gazar
0 responses
color, gist, random, palette
Convert shorthand hex colors to longhand using regex
0 responses
css, color, templates, regex
Awesome Color Picker
Mariz Melo
0 responses
color, ui, design, colorpicker
How show git branch in terminal (with colors)
0 responses
color, terminal, linux, git
Use Solarized colors on Gnome terminal with colorized support for git branches
Frank Bültge
0 responses
color, console, terminal, git
Know your git status from your bash prompt
Todd Wolfson
0 responses
color, status, prompt, git
Colorful man pages
Pierre-François CLEMENT
2 responses
shell, zsh, color, command-line
Design Tip: Never Use Black
Tobias Otte
0 responses
color, design
CSS3 placeholder color
Rogério Alencar Lino Filho
1 response
css, color, css3, font
Coloring tools for your next project
Rok Fajfar
0 responses
color, awesome, ui, list
Recent Activity
Create an automatic sequential color with nth-child
Jerome Freyre
sass, css, nth-child, sequence
Load a random theme every time you load VIM
color, vim, vimrc, random
IOS customized activity indicator with Swift
eranga bandara
color, ios, uiview, swift
IOS UI colors with hex values in swfit
eranga bandara
color, ios, osx, swift
Material Color Palette
Mostafa Gazar
color, gist, random, palette
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