Popular Code Review Programming Tips
Get PHP Insights on a Laravel project in seconds
matt j. sorenson
0 responses
php, phpinsights, laravel, code quality
Phabricator - Facebook Developer Tools
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
open source, facebook, phabricator, code review
Efficiency in Development Workflow – Pull Requests and Code Reviews
0 responses
workflow, pull request, merging, code review
Git lab bash (shell) manager
0 responses
shell, irc, code review, git
Optimizing python code
Lee Penkman
0 responses
python, performance, code review
Create google code review for the initial commit in a new git repo
Jai Pandya
0 responses
code review, git, initial commit, new repo
Read your own pull requests
Paul Blundell
0 responses
pair programming, code review, version control, github
Figure out who to blame with git
Miles Matthias
1 response
git, code review, blame, show
Using Rietveld for Code Reviews
Amol Kher
0 responses
code review, google apps, rietveld
Refactoring Static Methods Step-Wise vs Wrapping and Delegating
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
0 responses
refactoring, code review
Displaying all 10 tips
Recent Activity
Get PHP Insights on a Laravel project in seconds
matt j. sorenson
php, phpinsights, laravel, code quality
Optimizing python code
Lee Penkman
python, performance, code review
Create google code review for the initial commit in a new git repo
Jai Pandya
code review, git, initial commit, new repo
Refactoring Static Methods Step-Wise vs Wrapping and Delegating
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
refactoring, code review
Git lab bash (shell) manager
Code Review
shell, irc, code review, git
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