Popular Class Programming Tips
Elegantly check for boolean type in rails
Allan Smith
0 responses
ruby, rails, class, boolean
Use php array_map in classes
Marco Cervellin
0 responses
php, method, class, array_map
Don't rely on class.getSimpleName() or class.getCanonicalName()
David Klotz
0 responses
java, class, name, getsimplename
Using a Closure to Organize Prototype Declarations
Joseph Dalrymple
3 responses
prototype, object, object-oriented, class
List only instance methods that you defined in a class
1 response
ruby, rashmi14yadav, class
Dynamically find available Objective-C classes
Arnaud Coomans
0 responses
ios, class, objective-c
Basic Caching Strategy Javascript Class
Julian Lannigan
0 responses
amd, requirejs, caching, class
Coffeescript Private functions scoping, accessing constructor variables and Inheritance
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
2 responses
coffeescript, rails, class
Class and Module can not be of same name
1 response
ruby, rashmi14yadav, module, class
Benchmarking PHP: Variable Transport Methodologies
Dan Hanly
3 responses
php, vagrant, variables, benchmark
Anonymous functions as methods in classes
0 responses
php, anonymous function, method, class
Call Ruby gently by name
Denis Savitskiy
0 responses
ruby, string, methods, class
Find a Class in a bunch of JAR Files
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
find, batch, jar, class
crop picture with php
Valentin Beuret
1 response
php, class
Get class name without namespace
Silas Bolotta Ribas
0 responses
php, reflection, class, namespace
PHP: how to test a module in Python-style
Vincenzo Ferrari
0 responses
php, testing, class
Inspecting .class files
0 responses
class, java, bytecode, classpath
Autoload your classes
Bryan Trudel
0 responses
php, class, autoload
Power of Object#send()
0 responses
ruby, rashmi14yadav, method, class
Idiot-proofing JavaScript "classes"
Francisc Romano
0 responses
class, rooney, mozart, javascript
Web-based Java Decompiler
0 responses
decompiler, class, java
Getting CSS class names with js
0 responses
css, css3, js, front-end
Use array_map to call a method in class with multiple params
Djamel Eddine Feddad
0 responses
php, method, class, oop
Javascript Module
Yannick Albert
0 responses
public, class, javascript, private
PHP Classes $this
0 responses
php, object, class, var
Recent Activity
Functions in your own class
it, help-in-it, class, programming
Don't rely on class.getSimpleName() or class.getCanonicalName()
David Klotz
java, class, name, getsimplename
Introduction to Chain of Responsibility
Nicola Pietroluongo
php, web, best practices, class
RegExp for checking clases
Eric Kinzel
string, regexp, class, jquery
Elegantly check for boolean type in rails
Allan Smith
ruby, rails, class, boolean
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