Popular Centos Programming Tips
Default gateway on CentOS
David Rodrigues
1 response
linux, network, centos, redhat
Create SSL Certificates for ISPConfig using Let's Encrypt
Denver Sessink
0 responses
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Upgrade Git to 2.5.2 in CentOS 6.4 through yum
Jeff Li
0 responses
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Install Oracle on CentOS 6.4 with Vagrant and Ansible
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
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Install nokogiri gem on CentOS with prerequesites
Ivan Storck
1 response
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quickly build native ruby packages with fpm + rbenv
Sam Halicke
1 response
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Build a Vagrant CentOS 6.4 base box
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
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Use virt-install to rapidly deploy KVM guests
Paul Maunders
0 responses
linux, virtual machine, centos, libvirt
CentOS 7 and legacy openVPN
Chris Turnbull
0 responses
openvpn, centos
Install Docker in CentOS 6.4
Jeff Li
0 responses
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Postgresql via virtual machine
Deden Fathurahman
1 response
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How to install rvm for root
0 responses
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How to setup nodejs on Centos 6 machine in 5 seconds
Rafael Rosa Fu
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setup, centos, install, nodejs
Bootstrap old CentOS/RedHat VMs for use with Ansible
Sarah Zelechoski
0 responses
bootstrap, centos, redhat, ansible
Fix multilib error when installing openssl-devel in CentOS docker container
David Pelaez T.
0 responses
centos, yum, error, container
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, permissions, nginx, unicorn
yum remove python
Arne Fostvedt
0 responses
centos, rhel
Vagrant LAMP provisioned CentOS 6.5 Box
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
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therubyracer and libv8 gem on centos5
Leon Guan
2 responses
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The simplest way to use Python 2.7 in CentOS 6
Jeff Li
0 responses
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Easy Pre-requisites for CAM (Common Array Manager)
0 responses
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Throttling (limiting) download rate during "yum install"
Adriano Rodrigo Guerreiro Laranjeira
0 responses
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Truncating a list of files in CentOS
Dave Baker
0 responses
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Install Redis on Centos
Agung Prasetyo
0 responses
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Bash Shell, "Shellshock", Security Bug Fix (Ubuntu, CentOS).
Akapo Damilola Francis
4 responses
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Recent Activity
illegal instruction yum
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[CentOS] adding multi memcached instances
Victor Simonetti Moura
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iptables enable port 80
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running tmux in centos 6
Jeff Li
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Create SSL Certificates for ISPConfig using Let's Encrypt
Denver Sessink
linux, unix, apache, nginx
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