Popular Cdn Programming Tips
Serving web fonts via AWS S3 and Cloudfront
Tom Milewski
5 responses
s3, cdn, fonts, aws
Scale PHP on Ec2 to 30,000 Concurrent Users / Server
Jonathan Block
9 responses
php, mysql, varnish, cdn
How to turn your S3 bucket into a CDN
Blitline Developers
2 responses
s3, cdn, amazon, bucket
Azure CDN now Supports CORS
Mike Olsen
3 responses
azure, cdn, fonts, cors
Force Cache-Refresh at CloudFront with virtual versioning
Thomas Puppe
0 responses
cache, cdn, .htaccess, cloudfront
Cloudflare 32KB Header limit, bad for cookies
1 response
php, cloudflare, codeigniter, session
Serving Glyphicons fonts for Twitter Bootstrap 3 on a Rails app with Assets on CloudFront
Chard Gonzales
0 responses
rails 3, s3, asset pipeline, cdn
Serving Fonts using Rackspace cloud files
Piermaria Cosina
0 responses
cdn, content-type, design, fonts
Service for fast file uploads and delivery
Anastasia Antonova
1 response
jquery, file, cdn, image
Evaluating CDN perforamance for your users using Google Analytics
Mohan Krishnan
0 responses
performance, cdn, javascript
Jquery CDN fallback
Mariz Melo
0 responses
jquery, cdn, javascript
cdnjs - the missing cdn
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
cloudflare, speed, cdn, cdnjs
CloudFlare - Free, Enhanced Web Performance
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
security, cloudflare, speed, cdn
Be aware of the double slash
Evgeny Kolyakov
0 responses
html, mobile, tip, links
Prevent MaxCDN/NetDNA CDN From Serving Dynamic PHP Pages
Lester Chan
0 responses
dynamic, cdn, maxcdn, netdna
jsDelivr - A free public CDN for javascript
Dmitriy Akulov
0 responses
javascript, jquery, open source, cdn
Installing Rails on OSX
Josh Burns
6 responses
ruby, shell, rails, osx
CDN for JavaScript frameworks
Mariz Melo
0 responses
google, cloudflare, cdn, javascript
Avoid HF&J's cloud.typography
Stephen Tvedt
0 responses
css, typography, html, web
CDNperf - CDN performance in numbers
Juho Vepsäläinen
0 responses
performance, cdn, javascript
Displaying all 20 tips
Recent Activity
Be aware of the double slash
Evgeny Kolyakov
html, mobile, tip, links
Evaluating CDN perforamance for your users using Google Analytics
Mohan Krishnan
performance, cdn, javascript
How to turn your S3 bucket into a CDN
Blitline Developers
s3, cdn, amazon, bucket
Serving Glyphicons fonts for Twitter Bootstrap 3 on a Rails app with Assets on CloudFront
Chard Gonzales
rails 3, s3, asset pipeline, cdn
Azure CDN now Supports CORS
Mike Olsen
azure, cdn, fonts, cors
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