Popular Cache Programming Tips
Speed up Vagrant boxes provisioning with vagrant-cachier
Fabio Rehm
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cache, vagrant
Clear Internet Explorer Cache Instantantly
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command line, ie, cache, windows
Capistrano slow assets:precompile
Youri van der Lans
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rails, cache, capistrano, sprockets
PHP Cache with register_shutdown_function()
Federico Ulfo
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php, cache, performances, minify
In page cached jQuery Ajax queries
Mr Rogers
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cache, ajax, promise, jquery
Python memoization decorator
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cache, memoization, fibonacci, python
PHP DBA Cache Monitor
Gjero Krsteski
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php, open source, cache, gui
Install APC on Ubuntu
Miloš Matić
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cache, server, ubuntu, apc
PIMF Quick Starters
Gjero Krsteski
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php, mysql, mvc, sqlite
CSS (sass) clear cache for sprites!
Alex Meijer
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css, sass, sprites, cache
Flush DNS cache in OSX
Carlos Sanz García
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osx, cache, dns, util
Chrome clear browser data shortcut
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chrome, cache, shortcut, data
Simple cache when scraping with Ruby
Miha Rekar
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ruby, rails, scraping, cache
Ruby - Memoization proxy class
David Michael Nelson
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ruby, proxy, davidmn, cache
Viewing Chrome's Cache
Phillip Oertel
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chrome, browser, debugging, cache
shortcut to clear cache in symfony2
Gastón Nina
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terminal, cache, cmd, ubuntu
Store/cache data into DBM-style abstraction layer
Gjero Krsteski
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php, open source, cache, dbm
(In portuguese) Cache em serviços rest com java (jax-rs)
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
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http, rest, json, cache
Prevent Animation Queue Buildup
Samuel David Hardy
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jquery, cache, animation
Heads up on Rack::Cache
Alvaro Fernando Lara
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ruby, cache, rack
Crowdcrafting stack
Daniel Lombraña González
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python, redis, stack, cache
Really flushing your DNS on Mac OS X Lion and up
Niels van Aken
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cache, dns, flush
Seconds Until End of Day
Dinesh Vasudevan
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rails, cache, seconds_until_end_of_day
Static Asset Cache Buster
Matt Ryan
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ruby, php, cache, git