Popular C Programming Tips
Testing Legacy C++ - Do Yourself A Favour
Julian Churchill
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tdd, cpp, c
Apache Kafka C driver
Magnus Edenhill
1 response
c, apache, kafka, librd
Building at QtCreator after using macdeployqt
Rafael Oliveira
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osx, mac, qt, c
Array functions on mysql blob
Tommie Jones
0 responses
c, mysql, udf, rf
C++ nullptr for C++ 2003
Gregory Pakosz
1 response
cpp, c, nullptr
Quickly opening header files from OS X terminal.
David Wagner
0 responses
osx, workflow, header, c
List directory with up to 8 millions files
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ls, terminal, find, list
code coverage in C for Mac
Mihir Pandya
0 responses
coverage, c
A Cleaner IP display
Jeremy Morgan
0 responses
.net, command line, utilities, dos
Compile and run programs online
Mariz Melo
2 responses
ruby, php, python, awk
C++ command line arguments
2 responses
c, command-line-arguments
Quick-Format your code in Visual Studio
Mark Hagan
0 responses
vb.net, code, design, format
Notepad bookmarklet
Yuri Artemev
1 response
ruby, coffeescript, python, scala
PentaFnord - Light Up Your Hackerspace
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avr, eagle, c
C++ Learn to use stream_iterators
2 responses
algorithms, stl, c, iterators
#!gcc - run c like a script language
Tarcísio Gruppi
1 response
shell, hack, tip, quick
Sublime Text 3 is now available for everyone to try
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Simple Data Binding for WinForms
Michael Minton
0 responses
.net, open source, c
OS Development
Koka El Kiwi
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dev, os, asm, c
Library hijacking made easy with python
Lorenzo Masini
0 responses
python, library hijacking, c
using `System` as namespace
Mark Gella
0 responses
.net, c
Always read the documentation carefully
Jorge Palacios
0 responses
documentation, cpp, stl, c