Popular Best Practices Programming Tips
Git add --interactive, or how to make amazing commits
0 responses
scm, add, staging, best practices
Installing etckeeper to store config with autopush to git in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Jon Peck
1 response
version control, best practices, git, ubuntu
Clean up your strong parameters in Rails 4
0 responses
rails, best practices
Cleaner code with objective-c categories for protocol implementations
Jessica Lam
0 responses
best practices, ios, objective-c
List view animation + Activity transition animation
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
android, animations, best practices, sdk
Top 5 Cucumber best practices
0 responses
cucumber, best-practices, best practices, behavior driven development
Optimizing PHP
Diogo Parrinha
1 response
php, performance, tips, optimization
Best practice: Team Workflow for Github
Ryan Canty
0 responses
best practices, git, github
Single Responsibility Principle on Rails Explained
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
ruby, rails, patterns, solid
Everything in shell scripts should be a function
Richard Howard
8 responses
scripting, shell scripts, best practices, bash
Demeter: It’s not just a good idea. It’s the law.
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
ruby, patterns, best practices
These are the things that kill me...
James West
0 responses
programming, best practices, concentration
Replace conditional with Null Object
Jeffrey Leung
2 responses
best practices, conditionals, null object
Why Our Code Smells
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
ruby, rails, patterns, best practices
Get Rid of That Code Smell – Primitive Obsession
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
ruby, patterns, best practices
Get Rid of That Code Smell – Control Couple
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
ruby, patterns, best practices
Better project hand-over take-over documentation
Rob Jentzema
0 responses
documentation, json, conversion, architecture
Event-Condition-Action: How to Write Clearer Code (Rough Draft)
Christopher Clarke
0 responses
javascript, php, best practices, clean code
Comment Your Code
Eric McCormick
0 responses
code, coding, best practices, comment
deep dive on custom views
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
android, optimization, best practices, custom views
Porque você não deve usar os callbacks do ActiveRecord
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
ruby, rails, best practices
In the morning, check your codebase's history to see what people are up to, especially on your own projects
Ben Margolis
0 responses
svn, development, best practices
the "it" variable
Prashanth Sadasivan
0 responses
programming, variables, best practices
Programming Secret #1: We are Grammer Professionals
Christopher Clarke
0 responses
development, programming, coding, theory
Method naming tip: Keep implementation details out.
Gavin Morrice
2 responses
ruby, rails, best practices, conventions
Recent Activity
Git add --interactive, or how to make amazing commits
scm, add, staging, best practices
Introduction to Chain of Responsibility
Nicola Pietroluongo
php, web, best practices, class
Method naming tip: Keep implementation details out.
Gavin Morrice
ruby, rails, best practices, conventions
Best practice: Team Workflow for Github
Ryan Canty
best practices, git, github
Better project hand-over take-over documentation
Best Practices
Rob Jentzema
documentation, json, conversion, architecture
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