Popular Bash Programming Tips
List most recent files with minute precision
Franco Cedillo
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console, bash
Be notified for content in a website
Matteo Cappadonna
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osx, bash
Read the logs first!
Andrew Cairns
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terminal, debug, logs, debugging
List 10 most often used commands
Don Johnson
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, bash
Load a bunch of environment variables in OSX
Jose Raya
0 responses
bash, osx
Duplicate (~ "copy") a symlink on Unix
Peter Vandenberk
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shell, zsh, unix, bash
Bash 1-liner to randomize lines in a csv/text file
Stephen Blankenship
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bash, randomize
want download fast?
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linux, bash
Searching in big log files
Paweł Stawicki
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bash, less, log files
pause and resume spotify on screen lock and unlock on ubuntu
0 responses
bash, spotify
Sum a file of number
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sum, bash
rvm gemset setup
Wayne Graham
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bash, rvm, gemsets
prettify json input
oleksii iepishkin
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python, shell, bash, avro
Jump To The Start And End Of A Line
Oscar Godson
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shell, terminal, shortcut, bash
Executing local node packages
Sam Murray
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bash, node, npm
Name tabs in Terminal.app
Josh Buhler
0 responses
shell, terminal, os x, bash
Create a Bunch of Files with Bash
Raphael Pierzina
1 response
helper, bash
Drop git changes with a confirm
Mike Piccolo
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git, bash
Webcam picture on every git commit
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bash, git, webcam
Git branch in your terminal prompt
Stefan Urbansky
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terminal, git, bash
Using sudo with an alias
Marius Cotofana
0 responses
bash, terminal, alias, sudo
Git-repo-based Shell History
Parviz Palangpour
0 responses
bash, git, history
Print out all files in a directory with filenames
Jeremy Rubin
0 responses
shell, bash, file, print
Troubleshooting Cron Jobs
0 responses
cron, bash