Popular Bash Programming Tips
Get list of files in a directory tree
James Barnett
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linux, oneliner, bash
Yoeman project only building in root directory
Fay Pickering
0 responses
backbone, yeoman, javascript, bash
Clean up your local git repo
Michael Ibarra
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bash, git
Running cronjobs at odd intervals using cron.daily
Stephan Sokolow
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shell, linux, bash
Search through file with less
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
alias lt='ll -lrt'
Glenn Roberts
0 responses
shell, bash, zsh
Include .dotfiles when expanding *
Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen
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zsh, unix, bash
Re-edit vim files after a crash
Jason King
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bash, vim
make the use of `curl <url> | sh` more secure
0 responses
shell, security, curl, bash
Delete All Files in A dir function
James Doyle
0 responses
shell, function, remove, bash
bash alias to remove file name from working directory
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
zsh, terminal, script, snippet
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bash, sh, sort, uniq
Remove file extension in bash
Gustavo Gómez
0 responses
linux, bash
Make less less annoying
Tom, Bom
0 responses
`cd ..` with less fuss
Josh Graham
1 response
shell, bash
Bash list files recursivly with find
0 responses
shell, ls, find, commandline
The most useful Shell command
Jasdeep Khalsa
0 responses
shell, sh, linux, command-line
Headless capybara with selenium
Gatis Tomsons
0 responses
ruby, bash, testing, capybara
usefull Mac OS CLI Aliase
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
alias, cli, mac, checksum
Oyewumi Abayomi
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linux, ubuntu, bash
Alias for removing Vim swap files
Jack Hsu
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zsh, alias, vim, bash
Shell script good practice
Eric Marcos Pitarch
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shell, bash
Save time with git aliases in bash profile
Joe Cochran
1 response
git, bash