Popular Array Programming Tips
Array.max, without the JS bad parts
Horia Dragomir
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array, javascript
Get a 1-dimension array of random elements from a 2-dimensions array
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array, random, javascript
remove empty emlements
Francis Varga
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php, array
Ruby's equivalent to Python's `ary[1:]`
Melanie Archer
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ruby, array, enumerable
Split a string with different delimiters
Marcus Olsson
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string, array, c#
Ruby - Find if all the elements in the array are same
nava teja tummalapalli
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ruby, array, uniq, array unique
check array keys in PHP
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php, array, empty, isset
Compose Javascript functions from left to right with function-pipe (array of functions into a single function)
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javascript, functions, array, compose
Flatten an array in Javascript or merge and flatten 2 arrays with flatMap
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javascript, flatmap, array, merge
C array initialisation style
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c, array, initializer
How to correctly check for filled array
Leif Gensert
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ruby, array
AS3 Pixel Conversion Utils
Lucas Teixeira
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array, object, as3, actionscript3
Simplest ‘removeDuplicates’ in JavaScript Arrays
Gonçalo Morais
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array, duplicates, filter, javascript
Javascript human readable text from array.
Dimitrios Mistriotis
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array, format, javascript
Initialise PowerShell Array with Sequential Server Names
John Bevan
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powershell, array, format, join
Simplest ‘getUniqueValues’ in JavaScript arrays
Gonçalo Morais
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array, filter, unique, duplicate
Python's "array" Module
Riley Doyle
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python, memory, array
Transpose matrix in Java
Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha
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java, array, matrix, transpose
lodash mixin _.objectRange: Create an array of objects from template
Russell Dempsey
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dynamic, mixin, array, object
Find / compute the difference between two arrays in Javascript
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javascript, array, function, difference
prevent undefined index error
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php, reference, array, error
Return maximum or minimum value of an array
Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha
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java, array, minimum, varargs
Delete Duplicate Elements from an Array
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javascript, array