Popular Array Programming Tips
Fancy way to initialize an Array
jerome creignou
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javascript, array
Basic LocalStorage Array with limit, uid, search functionality
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coffeescript, objects, array, localstorage
Iterate over array in one row
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php, array, syntax sugar
A clean way to filter array in PHP
Akhyar A.
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php, array
Use correct New Array syntax around custom page view tracking in Google Analytics
Shawn Holmes
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javascript, array, new, google analytics
PHP Quick Convert XML to Array
Gilbert Pellegrom
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php, xml, array
Declare quickly an array in ruby
jonathan de montalembert
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ruby, array
Dump an array inside a twig template with a nice bootstrap collapsable tree
Matteo Caberlotto
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twig, symfony, array, dump
Sorting an array of objects in Javascript
Igor Moiseev
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sorting, array, javascript
Rails 4's `.select` and `.select!` object masked as a typical Array
Justin Smestad
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ruby, activerecord, bug, array
If order is important
Nedim Arabacı
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array, object, javascript, order
Cool and concise Array operations
Jeroen Rosenberg
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ruby, array
Break Arry iterator in EVERY way in JavaScript
Caesar Chi
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nodejs, array, foreach, javascript
Group a collection by X
Erik Straub
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ruby, php, loop, array
Iterate few lists with Perl
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perl, array, list, iterator
Circular interation between array
Bruno Mikoski
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tips, array, unity, c#
Array en un campo “hidden” de un Formulario
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php, array, hidden, formulario
Force array key start from 1
Marco Cervellin
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php, tip, array, key
Use array and object literals in JavaScript
Jeroen Ransijn
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javascript, style, array, object
Simplified conditions for Array or any Enumerable objects
Jiren Patel
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ruby, array, enumerable, conditions
Handle CSV data in JavaScript
Mitchell Turner
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json, array, csv, javascript
Detect vs. select
Melanie Archer
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ruby, array
Convert node list to a true array
Timur Carpeev
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javascript, js, array
Remove falsy values from array
Rui Nunes
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array, undefined, filter, javascript