Android Development Tips
Start loader on init when using Android support library
Bhaskar Murthy
0 responses
android, loader, asynctaskloader, android-support-library
Show Toast Messages
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
android, java, message, toast
Android GPS-Location
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
android, location, gps
Block all links inside a WebView
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
webview, android
Android photo chooser with crop
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
DIVs with position:absolute dissapearing in Android stock browser?
Paweł Komarnicki
7 responses
css, android, webkit, android stock browser
Prevent timeouts in phonegap on android emulator
Stefan Höfler
2 responses
android, phonegap
Switching branch with repo for Android Source code
0 responses
android, repo, android source code
Simple share menu item
0 responses
menu, actionbarsherlock, share, shareintent
Persisting data between configurations changes: Fragments
0 responses
fragments, persistence, android
Checking Google Play services Availability
Enrique Diaz
0 responses
android, google play services
ACS Push notification with PHP
Patrick Jongmans
0 responses
php, push, mobile, appcelerator
Mobile WebKit caches similar POSTs
Adam Thurlow
0 responses
android, django, http, ios
Make Holo style tabs in xml without NinePatches
Fernando F. Gallego
0 responses
android, holo, drawable, nine-patch
Android Resource Naming
Paul Blundell
0 responses
android, android-resources
How to install IntelliJ on Linux (Mint 13)
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
intellij, android
Facebook Android SDK reauthorizeForPublish() loses old permissions
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
permissions, facebook, application, java
Change the color theme of Eclipse editor
Zak Dziczkowski
0 responses
android, editor, eclipse
Replacing one fragment with another in Android dynamically
Sapan Diwakar
0 responses
android, replace, layout, static
Requesting extended permissions | Facebook SDK | Android
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
android, permissions, facebook, session
Android AOSP Log from a tag to HEAD
0 responses
log, oneliner, repo, aosp
Android Restful Stack
Kumar Saurav
0 responses
Autocomplete ADB commands in bash
Carson Brown
1 response
terminal, android, awesome, magic
Rendering photos and videos from Facebook news feed in Android application
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
android, facebook, java, news feed