Popular Alias Programming Tips
Single iOS Mail account - multiple email addresses
Aleš Farčnik
1 response
ios, alias, ipad, iphone
Simple Git Log Alias
Piper Chester
0 responses
shell, color, branch, alias
Git poop - stash, checkout, pull, and apply
Matt Feury
6 responses
alias, pull, stash, git
Changing My Git Editor On The Fly
Shakeel Mohamed
1 response
git, editor, alias, shell
git log alias
Chaitanya Kuber
0 responses
log, alias, shortcut, git
Copy lorem ipsum text to clipboard via shell
James Cuzella
3 responses
shell, alias, linux, clipboard
Getting Public IP from Shell
Michael Baird
4 responses
shell, public, terminal, alias
git alias in fish shell
0 responses
fish, alias, git
Numbered List Ruby One-Liner
Mike Manewitz
2 responses
ruby, alias, shortcut, list
Git Aliases
James Doyle
1 response
zsh, aliases, alias, git
Forget the mouse when connecting to VPN
Andrew Thal
2 responses
shell, alias, vpn, applescript
Updating and Upgrading packages on Ubuntu in a single shell script.
Akapo Damilola Francis
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, vilgax321
Git alias for really quick branching
Sebastian Staudt
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branch, alias, git
git branch-cleanup
Robin Curry
1 response
alias, git
git = !git
Magnus Dahlstrand
2 responses
shell, alias, lifehack, git
Shell function to add your public key to a remote machine via SSH
Jim Myhrberg
0 responses
shell, zsh, alias, ssh
Remove .DS_store alias in oh-my-zsh
Marco Cervellin
0 responses
alias, oh-my-zsh, remove, ds_store
tmux always reattach
3 responses
alias, workflow, tmux, screen
Git branch and remote cleanup alias
Koen Punt
0 responses
branch, alias, remote, git
My awesome git aliases
Łukasz Niemier
1 response
alias, git
Use rvm aliases in .rvmrc files
Phillip Oertel
0 responses
ruby, alias, rvm, install
snippet to alias creating a Laravel project in terminal
Dave Townsend
0 responses
terminal, alias, laravel
Checkout last branch without writing the name.
Christopher Hein
2 responses
branches, alias, git, checkout
Quick bash/zsh aliases for creating rails databases
Olly Smith
0 responses
bash, rails, zsh, alias
Git alias to easily create .gitignore file with gitignore.io
Russell Dempsey
0 responses
shell, terminal, aliases, gitignore