Popular Agile Programming Tips
git diff
Jake Bellacera
0 responses
terminal, unix, agile, fun
Agile Leadership
Mike McGrail
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agile, leadership
The Agile Manager
Mike McGrail
0 responses
agile, leadership
Agile overview - Extreme Programming
John Stevenson
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agile, xp
How Do You Build Software?
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
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agile, technology, software development
Preventing dependency hell in a micro architecture
Arnold Daniels
0 responses
micro architecture, agile, kanban, scrum
Story card interactions and group for features
Adam Lowe
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agile, story carding
Meaningful work as a motivator
John Stevenson
0 responses
agile, motivation
5 Javascript Test Doubles You Should Know About
0 responses
tdd, javascript, testing, agile
The first and last 90%
Mike Bijon
0 responses
agile, estimating, kanban, burndown
Agile overview - Scrum
John Stevenson
0 responses
scrum, agile
(safe) clouds (fast)
John Stanford
0 responses
scala, agile, openstack, chef
Top 10 Differences Between Managers and Leaders
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
0 responses
agile, managers, leaders
Please don't Agile
0 responses
agile, stiff