Popular Zsh Programming Tips
my favorite oh-my-zsh theme
Chungsub Kim
1 response
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Ubuntu snap apps disappeared from my launcher
0 responses
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Turn vim into a pager/less/more
Łukasz Korecki
0 responses
shell, zsh, vim
Close all terminal tabs except the current one (iTerm2 et al.)
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, iterm
Shell jobs in a pill <3
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
shell, zsh, linux, unix
Search & replace one-liner w/ ag, xargs & perl/sed
Henrik Lissner
0 responses
perl, shell, zsh, sh
Zsh copy & paste system wide for OS X, like in emacs
Dmitry Yakimov
0 responses
zsh, emacs, osx
Runs rspec tests in subdirectories
Łukasz Korecki
0 responses
ruby, tdd, zsh, testing
Navigate the zsh command line using vim key bindings
Chip Castle
0 responses
zsh, vim, key, bindings
Faster ZSH in large GIT repository
Lucas Chmaj
2 responses
shell, zsh, git, cygwin
pyenv inside tmux with zsh on a mac
Ali-Akber Saifee
0 responses
zsh, osx, tmux, pyenv
Find which terminal commands you use more
Anderson Pierre Cardoso
3 responses
zsh, terminal, osx, linux
Nice display of your MacBook's battery status in tmux/terminal
Nicolas Goles
0 responses
zsh, terminal, tmux, bash
Save time typing paths with Autojump: arguably the most important shell tool.
Aleksey Smolenchuk
9 responses
shell, zsh, workflow, bash
Zsh variables, Ruby - somehow ARGV contains wrong number of elements
Bartłomiej Danek
2 responses
ruby, zsh, fail, bash
Open less on given line number.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
ZSH vi mode bind jj to enter normal mode
Ryan Kois
0 responses
shell, zsh, vim
Speeding up your terminal in OSX by clearing ASL logs
Ciro Nunes
2 responses
zsh, terminal, log, osx
Boost your command-line
Pierre-François CLEMENT
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash
Searching command history with Ctrl-r
Chip Castle
0 responses
zsh, osx, mac, unix
Slim down your shell pipeline with Awk
Christian Romney
0 responses
shell, xmlblog, zsh, grep
Iterm 2 - go back one word - minitip
Mark Tooth
6 responses
zsh, iterm2, bash, keyboard-shortcut
Git Aliases
James Doyle
1 response
zsh, aliases, alias, git
A function to find and kill processes running on a certain port
Kevin Suttle
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, functions
Make the command line fly
John Stevenson
2 responses
zsh, command line, prezto