Popular Zsh Programming Tips
See the git status of a directory tree
0 responses
git, bash, shell, zsh
Edit long shell command in editor
Adam Stankiewicz
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shell, bash, zsh
Open GitHub to a specific commit
Lorin Hochstein
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zsh, git, github
Writing Zsh Completion for Padrino
Matthias Guenther
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ruby, zsh, padrino
Learn about advanced Unix filesystem permissions
Adam Stankiewicz
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shell, zsh, unix, bash
Zsh is Git's BFF
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shell, zsh, ohmyzsh
Copy content of a file to all of files of a directory
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
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bash, zsh, terminal, linux
OS X in-terminal battery notification script.
Mustapha Abiola
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zsh, osx, battery
Open nautilus windows for directories found by zsh glob
Andrey Garbuz
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zsh, console, linux, ubuntu
zsh vi-mode
John Antoni Griffiths
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zsh, terminal, vi
Alias project directories for quick access.
Kevin Vanzandberghe
2 responses
shell, zsh, workflow
Easier Pow usage
Joah Gerstenberg
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rails, zsh, rack, pow
Brace Expansion
Jearvon Dharrie
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shell, zsh, unix, productivity
Tweaking your tools
Gabriel Poça
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shell, zsh, terminal
Rebase or Merge into your topic branch, with a simple zsh function
Claus Witt
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zsh, merge, rebase, snippet
List 10 most often used commands
Don Johnson
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, bash
Duplicate (~ "copy") a symlink on Unix
Peter Vandenberk
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shell, zsh, unix, bash
up -- useful bash alias
Spencer Williams
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bash, zsh, cli, linux
Print out !something without running it
Todd Wolfson
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bash, zsh, terminal, linux
Quick and easy file write as root
Rob Jentzema
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zsh, root, pipe, su
zsh completions
Yuri Artemev
0 responses
zsh, console, terminal, autocomplete