Newest Web Programming Tips
Web developer? Give Sublime Text 2 a try!
Roger Lam
0 responses
sublime, web, text, developer
document.location.pathname not the same in all browsers
Lars Jung
0 responses
browser, url, pathname, location
Unwanted bold-ish weight on MacOS Webkit typefaces
Ricardo Magalhães
1 response
css, chrome, css3, webkit
Make text links look like if they are being pressed when clicked
Sultan Tarimo
1 response
css, links, text, a
Pure CSS Speech Bubbles
Mike Graham
0 responses
css, html.
Use Laravel with SASS (and HTML5 boilerplate)
0 responses
php, laravel, html5
CSS Font Stacks
Oli Lisher
0 responses
css, type, code for designers, fonts
Proportional Grids
Oli Lisher
0 responses
css, responsive design, grids
Nice HTML Select Boxes
Alexandre Trepp
0 responses
html, form, javascript, jquery
Prevent flickering on CSS3 Transitions/Transforms in Webkit
Evan Rowe
2 responses
css3, webkit, css3-transform, css3-animation
HTML5 Boilerplate for Jade
Evan Rowe
0 responses
jade, boilerplate, html5
Easy Helper functions for PostMessage
Benjamin Cook
0 responses
postmessage, webworker, message passing, html5
h5ai - a modern HTTP web server index
Lars Jung
0 responses
php, httpd, apache, nginx
CSS Selectors Speed
0 responses
css, performance
Shrink PNG files using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, png
Paperfold effect with CSS
Raúl Barroso
0 responses
css, demo
Change the background image with animate
Luís Ferreira
3 responses
jquery, css
Capture your CSS logic using Sass.
0 responses
css, sass
'Clearfix' for modern browsers
John B. Roberts
0 responses
css, html, clearfix, floats
A useful tip for web design novices
Nithin David thomas
0 responses
web, tip, design, beginer
Open local image with HTML 5
Juan Pujol
0 responses
html, 5
Disguise Google Chrome as a different browser
Stefan Imhoff
0 responses
shell, browser
A Funky Navigation Bar
Aniket Pant
0 responses
css, borncssed, css3, animations
CSS Variables
Radu Gruia
0 responses
css, css variables, w3c